Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rabies = Zombies

Zombies! I dream about them sometimes for weeks at a time. I watch zombie movies when I come across them, yet they freak me out all at the same time (Night of the Living Dead was my first experience with Zs). I read zombie books like Max Brooks' The Zombie Survival Guide (Three Rivers Press, 2003) and World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War (Crown, 2006). I haven't gotten to The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks (Random House, 2008) although I skimmed it in Borders (oh Borders how I miss you). I even was given a Pat the Zombie: A Cruel (Adult) Spoof (Ten Speed Press, 2011) for my baby shower (thanks V). I also thought Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (Quirk Books, 2009) and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls (Quirk Books, 2010) were really good too.

 File:Zombiesurvivalguide.jpg Max Brooks - The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded AttacksMax Brooks - World War Z

So why do you ask that I bring the subject of Zombies up? Well in the matter of 2 days I've have Zombie pop up around me at work. No not literally (do you think I would be on here typing if the living dead was hanging around the office and me without my Louisville slugger?) but physically in a way. Most people know that I work as a copyright analyst for a big time company and my job had me dealing with entertainment industry works. Well yesterday afternoon I was assigned a search for a zombie movie that will be coming out in 2013. Then today as I was heating up my lunch I was just skimming through the newspapers left out by people and low and behold I come across an article in The Wall Street Journal (I know - who's a thunk it that I would be reading The Wall Street Journal) about Zombie and Vampires and how they can be linked back to rabies. It was a short I page article that was very interesting to see how you can link becoming/being a zombie and a vampire back to rabies. The authors have valid points. And as I recall there is a link to rabies in World War Z.

Well now I can pretty much guess that within a very short period of time I'll be having one of my zombie dreams and I'll come across a zombie movie on T.V. and won't be able to change the channel.

Pat the Zombie: A Cruel (Adult) Spoof


  1. The Walking Dead! Do you watch? Love it! Though I basically love to hate almost every character on the show. Also, Zombieland might be one of the best movies ever. Double tap!

  2. And you are welcome! I couldn't resist!

  3. Watched the first episode but didn't get hooked on that show. Zombieland so great - double tap (where are my twinkies!!!)

  4. Deep-fried twinkies - to boot!!!
