Thursday, December 27, 2012

One year makes a huge difference

Christmas 2012 has come and gone (well not if you look at my living room) and I had to reflect on how different this Christmas was verses last Christmas. Christmas 2011 we were home recovering and trying to figure each other out. This year she was all over the place with wonder and exploration. I can only imagine what Christmas 2013 will be like.

Christmas 2011

Christmas 2012

Wishing you and yours a very happy and safe new year!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My bad!!!!!!!

So I know it has been over a months since I have posted anything so MY BAD! Things get a big crazy for me around this time of year (yes all the way back since November - it actually starts in October) so I opt for sleep and or actually doing my job (damn day job gets in the way every time) instead of posting. I promise next year I'll be better.

That leads me to start thinking of my 2013 resolutions. Maybe if I actually write them down and post them then I can be held accountable for them over the year and maybe just maybe if I check in every months to post how I'm doing I might actually stick to them . . . well some of them . . . maybe one or two . . . OK OK at least 1.

OK should I put down as my first resolution . . . hum maybe world peace, nah Miss America has that one down pat. Um um maybe I could keep us from going over that fiscal cliff, yea right I'm lucky if I balance my checkbook anymore. OK OK seriously here are my 2013 resolutions:

1. Learn at least 12 words in German and to be able to use them in a conversation properly. That's one a month so that should be doable provided that JR is willing to teach me and work with me.

2. Bring my lunch to work 4 days a week. That gives me the opportunity to treat myself at least once a week to something yummy. . . Whole Paycheck anyone?

3. Play for 60 minutes a day. Oh sure I'm ripping off the NFL with all their creative commercials - love the one with Cam Newton and the kid. ("Be drafted first," "Become Quarterback for the Panthers," "Be your mom's favorite player," and the best one "I'm just warming up my arm"). Maybe if I strive to do that everyday both Smiley and I will benefit from the exercise.

4. Drink water every day. OMG that is gonna be the hardest one. I know I know most people are shaking their heads at me but I don't like water. I never have, even when I was playing softball and volleyball - I don't like water. It takes an effort for me to drink it. Blah. I know it is good for me and blah blah blah, I just don't like it. The only time you will probably willingly catch me drinking water is when I sing.

5. Buy a plant and keep it alive all year long. My mother was gracious enough to pass along to me in my DNA the ability to kill a plant. I love plants and flowers yet I can't keep them alive. My FIL has a gift when it comes to plants that B-man seems to have inherited so between the 3 of us maybe I can do that. Now I just have to figure out what I am going to get. I have to keep in mind a curious 1 year old, a nose 4 year old cat (he's the most destructive) and well my black thumb. I'll take suggestions.

6. Try one new recipe a week. I love to cook but haven't really had the time or energy over the last year. So I'll make something brand new once a week and even try to get pictures up on my blog with a review.

7. Try one new food a month. B-man loves to tease me when I see something that I don't want to try that I say "I'm not eating that" (picture a 4 year old with her arms crossed - yep it looks and sounds like that).

8. Find a way to bring in more cha-ching for my family. Gotta find a way to get more money into my bank account (legally that is) than in the last year. Kids are expensive!!!

9. Save more money. I need to go back to putting X amount from each paycheck into my savings and not touching it. On top of that - need to stop using the credit cards. Been so bad about that this past year.

10. Be a better wifey. I love my B-man so much and I don't show him/tell him enough I think. Need to find the time and energy to spend more one on one time with him.

11. De-crap my house. Oh sure I could say De-Clutter but De-Crap I think is more accurate. Now a hoarder I am not, a pack rat I am. I have things that just need to go to the trash that I keep saying "oh this needs to go and that needs to go" but damn it, it never goes.

12. Let my inner Martha Stewart shine. I love crafty things but I don't do enough of them. I just got this great counted cross-stitch dragon that I am excited to get started on. Need to make that a priority. Then I'll find another project to work on.

OK so that is 12 resolutions or more like goals for the year of 2013. Maybe I'll come up with more before the year is out but I truthfully wouldn't hold your breath on that one. Feel free to share your resolutions if you want and maybe we can keep each other on task for the new year. Buddy system right?