Wednesday, July 11, 2012


So we have all seen those "Priceless" Commercials from MasterCard, well I have my own version of one to share with you today. . .

Cost of an iPhone: $150.00
Cost of a Big Mac Meal at McDonalds: $6.00
Cost of not being run over because your big butt in not paying attention as you walk out into the street without looking because you are probably updating your Facebook status or saying "LOL" to someone, but thankfully the driver of the car saw you and stopped within inches of running you over but OH NO you are too damn busy and important to look up and do what you mother said, remember that old saying, look both ways before you cross the street you dumb person. . . Oh yea I forgot to say "priceless".

So as you can imagine this is what I came across today. Seriously this chick was walking out of McDonald as I was getting ready to walk to the doors (What? Hey don't judge me, I didn't get lunch today and was starving so a diet coke and fries were calling my name) and I watched her walk out the doors playing with her pink iPhone (ok more like waddle - again don't judge, I know I need to loose weight but she should skip McDonalds more often, just sayin) and just out into the road. Thankfully the guy who was backing up saw her and stopped. She was completely oblivious to him and just kept walking right on past. He just shook his head (as did I) when he drove past her.

Seriously, we have become a bunch of techno morons. When the power went out last week due to the recent storms, I was annoyed that we had no power because the AC was out. I know people who had power but were upset because the TV was out or heavens forbid they had no phone and internet service. Gasp. Hey anyone remember the days when we didn't have cell phones and there was no such thing as the Internet or the World Wide Web? Most youth these days have no idea what life was like without the Internet or cell phones (gasp - man we must have been neanderthals for all those hundreds of years). Sad.


  1. What a stupid woman!!! Totally agree on how much the next generations are tech obsessed. It's sad that people have given more value to their tech objects then to their own life.

  2. This is always kills me. Then again it kills me when I'm driving my car in a parking lot or down a street and people mosey along crosswalk or not and take their sweet time. I'm in a car. It weighs thousands of pounds. A human does not. I can crush you. Don't mosey!
