Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Hair!

Since having Smiley I've been letting my hair grow out. It is just easier sometimes to pull it back into a messy blob on the top of my head or into a pony tail (yep sporting one of those today) but seriously I'm 36 years old - when does look say professional I ask you. But anywhoos. I need to get it trimmed and figure out something to do with it. I don't want to go short short but I'm not looking to go long again (think high school peeps). I have figured one thing out that I think I am going to do. I want to add some color to my hair.

Ohhh what color should I do? Now don't get me wrong I love being a brunette (you will never ever ever see me go blond - if you do I swear it is a wig and there must be alcohol involved) but sometimes my dark hair goes flat or the greys pop out way too much (btw - thanks Grandma for that DNA strand of going grey early in life) for my taste. When this happens I break out the temporary tinted color (not ready to go full head dye job) and since my hair is well my hair I can get away with the tinted temporary color for a lot longer than most people. I am feeling daring and I am ready to make a change and add some real color to my hair . . . Dark Blue Highlights. Yep not red, not light brown but BLUE!!!

The host of TLC's "How Do I Look" Jeannie Mai has blue highlights in her hair and I love it. They are well placed in her hair and I really think she wears it well. She is classy but edgy at the same time. So I don't think I'll look like at 14 year old trying to get attention from mom and dad if I do this.

Either way, I need to get my hair cut and who knows maybe Robin will think my idea is good and poof I'll have the blue highlights. Only time will tell.

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