Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am annoyed today. My day started out pretty good, minus the lack of sleep (which is the norm by now - I have a 6 month old who is teething) and the headache I had yesterday (which is just a dull ache so I can manage), but has rapidly turned and put me into a constant state of annoyance.

I missed my first train to work today due to the teether (not a big deal) but what started everything was that the AC was out again at the train station. Yuck - I hate to be hot and sticky. I would like to rephrase that, I loathe being hot and sticky. Sure my discomfort is nothing compared to Mary (the employee who works at said train station manning the coffee station and all things train related), who to my surprise was remaining positive despite being slightly annoyed at the situation herself. Way to go Mary!

Once on the train thing were pretty normal, that was until we got to the stop just before mine. Since I was beginning to pack up my stuff, I began to look around and I noticed that despite the fact that we had not even left the station people began queuing for my stop. Hello we have at least a 5 minute ride (maybe even a 10 minute ride, it all depends on the heat restrictions placed by CSX), so why don't you make yourselves comfortable in those seats that you fought so hard to get on the train first to get. Oh noooooooooo they might miss something if they wait a moment or two more, or heaven's forbid, he/she might get off the train before them and I'll (gasp) they will be a failure. Ah yes I see the commuter attitude is not limited to the interstate and my fellow drivers, or even my dear friends on Metro (ahh how I don't miss you all).

We have begun to pull into the station and the next thing I hear is a snapping sound, someone is snapping their gum. Ahhhhhh this sound to me is what nails raking down a chalkboard is to others. Arrrgggh! So annoying. What on God's green earth makes a person think that is not annoying and rude? Ok breathe! Now fast-forward a few moments to me getting off the train (from one queue to another) and now you get to choose which side of the stairs you want to walk down on. Since I fall into the crappy knees category I choose the right hand side (hello - slow traffic in the right lane - I get it). Next thing I know I have some chick practically crawling up my butt to get around me (on the right) and some other person on the left. In essence she was a middle lane merging into 2 flowing lanes. I know I don't do stairs fast (reason mentioned above) but it's not like I take a step and do a sudoku puzzle or something. Geesh.

Crowd free I start walking the short distance to my office. As I approach a light with a cross walk I notice that someone is feeling froggy and well is jumping (i.e. crossing against the light). Normally this wouldn't annoy (heck some mornings I am froggy some days a - what? You know you do it too!) but what got me was the dude who was crossing against the light and had the nerve to give the city bus, who I remind you had the light and the right of way, a nasty look (I was waiting for the universal "you are #1" sign but it didn't come, much to my surprise). Huh? I just don't get people and their self righteousness sometimes.

A few other small annoyances at work followed and all before 10 am too. Normally I would just let it roll off my back, but since I was already annoyed, lets just add that to the pile shall we? Spanks! You know I am thinking it is rapidly become one of those days when I say that "I woke up on the wrong side of the coffin". Fangs and talons will start to show soon. Enjoy the show - ooh I hope I don't "scare anyone this time." Blah ha ha ha.

OK so back to the ole grind. Hopefully this afternoon will bring a more positive spin on my day and "no more negative vibes negative vibes Moriarty" (5 points to the person who knows where this quote comes from).

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