Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How about some cheese to go with that whine?

Whine whine whine whine whine - yep that is my motto today. Pray-tell what has me in such a wonderful mood? Allergies my dear friends - allergies. I have my yearly allergy testing on Thursday so I can't take any allergy medicine for the next several days so needless to say I'm not a happy camper right now. I am pretty much allergic to the state of Virginia according to my doctor (dust mites, ragweed, pollen, dust, trees, grass, mold, dogs (slightly), cats (slightly) . . . and a partridge in a pear tree.

Ah yes my wonderful yearly testing where they create 2 rows of big red itchy welts on my back, leave the room for 30 minutes and tell me not to scratch. OMG - it takes all my will power not to scratch my back. Thankfully I have prior training on how to resist the urge to scratch. How does one get training for that you make ask, well it is easy - break a bone and get a cast. You can't scratch so you have to learn how to ignore that urge to scratch. Not easy but doable. I have had extra credit courses over the years since I have had at least 3 casts (1 on the right ankle and two on the right arm) over the years as well as braces on my knees post surgery.

So you might think my whining has come to an end but oh no silly - I've got more to whine about. My TMJ is really acting up so I have a headache. My neck, back and shoulders really are tight so I need a massage. I'm well I'm tired. I know you are shocked!

Enjoy the day peeps - I'm going to try and get into a better mood or I'll just have some wine when I get home tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Update: Headache lasted all day, despite 800 mg Motrin (x2) and today I'm sneezing my fool head off, rubbing my eyes, have a little cough due to allergies and I had a bloody nose this morning. . . So needless to say my life is better thanks to modern chemistry. Come on Thursday afternoon!!!!!
