Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A hand model I will never be...

I love fun and funky nail polish. My favorite colors are blues and purples so as you may guess, pale pink is not for me. I almost always have my toe nails painted a fun color (Heck I even tried orange one time).

***CONFESSION TIME: Right now my toe nails are not painted (oh the horror). What? Don't judge me. Are yours done? It's only because I haven't really put forth the time to do it. I promise little piggies I will have you decorated very soon.

I found the following really cool paint colors that I would love to do to my toe nails.

Aren't they really cool - I love the silver ones the best. Sadly my finger nails won't ever look like these hand models nails do. Why you ask? Because I have crappy nails that's why. They are short (even shorter than the model's nails, well except one or two here and there - usually my pinky or my ring finger), brittle and split all the time. I don't have pretty nails and I know it. I took a picture of my hand to include in this post and I couldn't do it because they were so crappy (and the cuticles looked so crappy). Ugh I need a manicure.

I have never had pretty nails. OK that is a lie Ashley, you have had pretty nails twice in your life. The first time was when I broke my arm in the 7th grade. I had long and pretty nails on my right arm. Just my right arm (there is the kicker). That arm was casted for forever and a day so they just grew (didn't hurt that there was so much extra calcium being sent to that part of my body to help the bones heal that it was a win win situation for my right hand). Sadly the cast came of after the good portion of a year and they broke. It was a sad day in Mudville boys and girls.

The second time I had nails was when I bought and paid for them. Yep I had fake nails . . . and so did every other girl in my college. And were they pretty? Heck yeah! I would pick a fancy french manicure (with pink tips) or a holiday theme (sometimes even adding a decal or sparkly). The colors were great fun too. I loved picking out the names of the colors (OPI has great names for their colors . . . "Bastille My Heart", "Pink Before You Leap", "I'm Not Really A Waitress" , "A-Piers To Be Tan" and "Ski Teal We Drop") for my nails, so much that sometimes the name was entertaining enough that I wanted to wear the color so people would ask me the name of the color. I kept them squared and not too long, probably a little longer than the sliver nail polish chick. It was great . . . that was until I got into week 2 mark. You know when you are getting ready to have a fill appointment. By that time they were starting to pull up on the sides and break off. And trust me that hurts. Anyone who has ever had a fake nail break on them or even pop on them - oooh that stings. I even got infections of the nail bed because of the lifting and pulling up (even with being double primed). So I said no thanks, for the cost I'm paying they should stay better. Bye bye pretty nails. It wasn't even the nail lady's fault it was my crappy nails being bad hosts.

I was excited when I learned I was pregnant with Smiley because I was sure I would have pretty nails finally. I was good at drinking my milk, my OJ and faithfully taking those nasty horse pills they call prenatal vitamins. Guess what? I was denied! No pretty nails.

I had heard that after a baby is born your body changes (I've seen it happen to women I know - no not the whole belly and butt change - I've seen hair get thicker and darker on some people) so I kept my fingers crossed and hoped that I would get my pretty nails after she was born. Much to my surprise (I don't know why I had wished for it) my nails began to get longer (all of them!) But mother nature has a great sense of humor. Sure she gave me these neat new nails but she also gave me a newborn with soft tender skin that I didn't want to scar up. I wasn't use to this little bundle of sweetness or the nails and I kept scratching Smiley. Like a good mumzie I cut my new nails (wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) for the sake of my child (hum must remember to use that one when she is a teenager). Big Time Sad Face!!!

So to this day (Smiley is 2 now) I do not have pretty nails. My mom did not have pretty nails. My sister doesn't have pretty nails. My dad has BEAUTIFUL long and hard nails. I even told him to cut them recently because I was jealous. Sad I know but it is my life. My husband keeps his nails short so I don't know what kind of nails he has, but his mom has long pretty nails so hopefully Smiley will inherit her nails and not mine.

So for those of you who have nails know that I'm jealous. Yes I look at your hands longingly. No I don't feel bad you when you say you need to cut them. Secretly I'm happy when one of them breaks (sorry its the truth - rotten as I am - it's the truth).

I went online to look up to see if there were an posted causes of brittle, splitting nails and one source said that it had to do with a thyroid problem. Maybe that is true but I will never know. My mom had a hyperactive thyroid so she was super skinny all her life so that might explain why she didn't have pretty nails. I get tested regularly by my doctor but the tests all come back as my thyroid is fine. Sigh guess I'll just have to be one of those women who will never have long pretty nails.

So as I mentioned in the tag line, a hand model I will never be, but a girl can dream anyway. Now time to pick out the color for my toes (which I sadly have to admit are hard as rocks - oh the Irony). Anyone need to borrow my nail clippers?

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