Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Politics - YUCK!

VOTE FOR ME because he said this. 
VOTE FOR ME because he didn't do that! 
VOTE FOR ME blah blah blah!  

Oh shut up already!

As you are well aware that it is a political free for all out there right now. You can't get away from a paper, magazine, radio or TV station without being reminded of it. The elections are just a few short months away (November 6th - WHAT A GREAT DAY!), the conventions are coming and going and well there are ads ads everywhere. Living and working in the metropolitan area I guess we are more inundated with the whole election situation (maybe I am wrong) but guess what? I am done! Stop already. UGH. I hate politics. Hate it. Yep I'm a hater! I know I know hate is a strong word and I don't use it very often but right now I will opening and happily state that I HATE politics.

Please don't ask me who I'm voting for (that includes you phone peeps who call and leave recorded messages on my voice mail). I don't know who I'm voting for at this moment. Guess what? I probably won't until the day of the election and until that very moment that I am standing in the voting booth at my local high school. So then why do I post about politics? I really don't know other than I feel I need to stand on my soap box today (and well, this is MY blog after all). You can do what you want on your blog. You don't like my post - don't read it. Plain and simple. Nespa? No just Hersheys! (ha ha ha - watch Murder By Death and you will get it).

Anywhoos I think my co-worker has it well summed up (for many reasons). On her facebook page, under her political affiliations is says: DISAPPOINTED. Ha ha ha - too funny and too true on so many levels. OK so I've had my moment of rant. I'll step down from my soap box but before I go I just want to add one thing. Despite my strong dislike (better?) of politics there is one aspect of it that I find to be very important. The right to vote (as well as the right to voice my opinion as you have just read). That right was given to me through the blood, sweat and tears of many men and women who go unremembered.

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