Wednesday, March 5, 2014

40 Bags in 40 Days

Well it's Ash Wednesday and that means it is lent and I have chosen to give up red meat and tonight I'll get my ashes. I had popped onto facebook and I saw this posting by a friend of mine:

So what is 40 Bags in 40 Days?

Its a forty day period in the spring (coinciding with the 40 days of Lent) where you focus on cleaning one area per day. In this one area you challenge yourself to declutter, simplify, decrapify, and get rid of things you don’t need. The goal is one bag a day but you can have more or less. The 2014 challenge officially goes from Wednesday, March 5th to Saturday, April 19th. Sundays are your day off. You can start it whenever you are finding this post, we’ll still be here to cheer you on!

Where do I put it all?

The stuff can get organized, donated, given to a family member or friend, go in a garage sale pile, to Freecycle, get sold, or go into the garbage. Just get it out of your house.

What a great idea, I am going to try and do this.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly I have to report I'm only 3 bags completed in this exercise but I still love the concept and will keep trying to do more. I've already sold a bunch of things and have more to put out for a yard sale in the spring (if this damn snow would stop falling).
