Thursday, April 17, 2014

And not so much!

So today marks the end of Lent for me. I know Easter is still a few days away but because I am in the choir at church I will begin singing at various masses tonight through Sunday so in my mind Lent is over. It got me to looking back this morning as I brushed my teeth as to how I did with Lenten appeals. I have successfully managed to not eat red meat this whole time . . . and yes it is literally killing me!

I am so done with chicken. I've never been a big fan of it to start with (my husband just gasped I know it) so what made me think I could manage to eat more chicken and like it. Nope. I think I dislike it even more now. I will never, ever, ever, ever (yes I'll say never again) do that again. I tried to keep my whining to a minimum but I know I did it. I think next week we will have red meat in one way shape or form next week. Oh sure I ate turkey, pork and some fish too but chicken was the majority of our food choices and I'm done with it. I might try giving up Facebook next year. I know several people who do it and I think I might go that route next year.

I loved the post that I read about 40 bags/40 days. Basically for those who don't know each day during lent you clean out an area of your home and put whatever you don't want in a bag. You can either throw the contents away, save it to sell in a yard sale or give away. You get to choose the size of your bag (trash bag, body bag, plastic bag from Target/Walmart, etc). I started out a few days late in lent but had a great plan to do this. I went and bought white trash bags and started in one room each night after work. This lasted 3 whole days. I did manage to get one small section of my den a little bit more organized. And I even sold several items. Whoo hoo. I found myself with great intentions but a lack of push to keep it going. I am still going to try and work on this concept because I have too much crap (some good, some bad, some just plain crap that needs to go). To those who did this - kudos to you. My ADHD must have kicked in because I just couldn't focus enough to do it.

Spring is officially here, although mother nature seems to be holding onto later winter here in VA this week. I don't get it. On Saturday I wore capris and flip flops. By Wednesday I was wearing boots and a jacket and cleaning frost off my windshield. No wonder my nose is going nuts and I'm sneezing all day long. UGH. Good thing I take drugs for that.

I hate to look back at my New Years Promises to see how wonderfully I am doing on that front. So as to not depress myself any further (after all it was tax day on Tuesday and lets just say no return for us, instead a nice little check was written to Uncle Sam) I am just going to wrap it up.

It's my Friday so I'm going to treat myself to a bagel and get my day going.

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