Wednesday, February 5, 2014

This sucks

Dieting sucks . . . "big toes" a friend of mine would say.

I hate dieting but apparently I can't control myself around food so I have to so something to lose weight. I've tried so many different plans including Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Scarsdale (dating myself on that one) and Atkins (OMG that screwed up my system so bad that I began menstruating out of cycle). The only thing that has ever worked for me was counting calories. UGH.

I hate having to think about how many calories this is or that is. I also hate counting calories because I'm always hungry. BUT it works for me . . . slowly it works for me. Last time I did this dieting thing faithfully I lost 20 lbs. I even kept it off for a while, but then bad habits rolled in and I had a baby so I'm back up to being way way over weight.

I've struggled with my weight since puberty and it is not a fight I look forward to having to help Smiley with. I hope she gets the better weight genes than my Irish/German/American Indian genes that don't help. When I was little you would have never guessed I would be "a big girl". I had knob knees, skinny arms and legs, no belly fat. I ran around all the time and was full of energy.

Damn you puberty!

So please bear with me as I begin fighting with my weight again. I'm not mad at you, I'm just hungry.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could offer you words of advice, but I don't know the words to say. However, I will offer you all of the encouragement and good thoughts I can.

    I believe that you're a strong woman and that you can do this!!
