The person in front of me just began to slow down to 40 mph in the middle lane. Everyone else was going about 55 and behaving and amazingly enough no one was tailgating. So what was dudes issue? Instead of yelling profanity I opted to move back over into the right lane as there was no one in that lane getting break happy when all of a sudden someone else freaked out, slammed on their breaks and then pulled right in front of me. Um Hello? Did you not see me here? Oh wait my headlights were on and that must have confused you. Fine, whatever, my exit is coming up and hopefully you will go away. Wait wait are you getting off here to? Please no, please no, please no . . . yea, thank you God! Schmuck #2 kept going, weeeeee!
Getting off the freeway was less traumatic than being on it and getting to the train station wasn't very exciting so I thought the worst of my commute was over . . . he he he I spoke too soon. Thankfully the rain tapered off and I waited on the platform under dry conditions. All went well until it was time to get off. When the train operator comes over the PA and kindly reminds you that the platforms may be wet and slippery so please be careful getting off - that should be a hint that things will become interesting. Thankfully no one (especially me) got hurt getting off the train. Whew - my day is looking better.
How can a simple umbrella cause so many challenges I ask you? You can see out the train it is raining and as I mentioned about the conductor reminded you it was raining. So logic says, get your umbrella out before you go outside, yes? Apparently no. Why do you get off the train and then just stop and then dig out your umbrella? Everyone now has to bob and weave to get around you. Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and one friendly reminder, that newspaper isn't going to keep you dry. Maybe if you are just running to your car but to go from the train station to your office isn't going to do the job. Swing by your local Target or Walmart and pick up a simple umbrella to keep in the car or your bag. I always keep an umbrella in my bag for work and I have a big golf umbrella in the car for covering Smiley and Me (B-man never wants to share the umbrella with me [sad face]).
Oh and speaking of golf umbrellas I have to say I have a love/hate relationship with them. I love them for the size (again covers 2 people comfortably) and some have really cool designs. Hate them for ignorant people who don't pay attention when walking with them (open or closed). How many times have you almost been gabbed in the stomach or side because someone was power walking with a golf umbrella in their hands and swinging their hands back and forth? When they have them open, they seem to forget how big they are and don't want to share the sidewalk or even maybe tip the umbrella to the side as you are passing them. Oh no, Mr. Big shot doesn't have umbrella manners.
Jesh! Ok maybe this is a minor issue but I'm tired and stressed at work so the little things are annoying me today. I'll crawl back under my rock and wait for the sun to come out . . . tomorrow!
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