Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aging myself

I was just reading a blog in which the author mentioned that they were making a list of the things their child would never know about, understand the meaning to, and/or experience because they were born in the 2000's. I have to admit I started reading her list and found it very fascinating. I've started making my own list (using some of her suggestions as well as my own)

1. The rotary dial on the phone. They physical phone and the sound it made when it dialed the number. My grandmother use to use a pencil to dial the numbers on a rotary phone.
2. Always having a quarter to use in the phone booth just in case. When was the last time you saw a phone booth?
3. Pen pals. You know actual people that you didn't really know that you wrote a letter to and mailed it off to them and waited a week or so for a reply.
4. The smoking section in the back of the plane. Don't miss that at all but I think most planes still have the no smoke light right? 5. A vinyl record. Ok Smiley will know about these as my family still has lots of them.
6. Saturday Morning Cartoons. You know the real ones with Bugs Bunny, the Rod Runner and Elmer Fudd.
7. A typewriter. The old kind. My grandmother used them constantly and when I took typing in school we used real typewriters - not even the electric type.
8. Waiting all day to tape record that one song on the radio you wanted. . . and the DJ talked during the entire opening of the song so you really didn't even get the good part.
9. Couples Only Skating. I always went skating with my girlfriends so we all linked arms and skated together.
10. Banana Clips. Guilty - I had them in many colors.
11. Rabbit Ears on the TV.
12. Remote Controls. You know, when you had to get up and turn the dial on the TV to change the channel.

I know this is only a small list but it really does get you thinking about what you grew up with verse items your kids will grow up with as staples.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's raining, it's pouring . . . People have lost their minds!

Scattered T-StormsWhat is it about the rain that makes people lose their damn minds? Rain is not a new phenomenon to mankind. Heck the weatherman even told you it would probably rain today. So why oh why do people freak out? I got onto the freeway (yes it was raining) without any major issues but it went downhill from there very quickly. Someone got scared and began to ride their breaks and slow down for no reason. I'm all for caution when driving, especially when the conditions are not perfect but seriously what was the deal? 

The person in front of me just began to slow down to 40 mph in the middle lane. Everyone else was going about 55 and behaving and amazingly enough no one was tailgating. So what was dudes issue? Instead of yelling profanity I opted to move back over into the right lane as there was no one in that lane getting break happy when all of a sudden someone else freaked out, slammed on their breaks and then pulled right in front of me. Um Hello? Did you not see me here? Oh wait my headlights were on and that must have confused you. Fine, whatever, my exit is coming up and hopefully you will go away. Wait wait are you getting off here to? Please no, please no, please no . . . yea, thank you God!  Schmuck #2 kept going, weeeeee!

Getting off the freeway was less traumatic than being on it and getting to the train station wasn't very exciting so I thought the worst of my commute was over . . . he he he I spoke too soon. Thankfully the rain tapered off and I waited on the platform under dry conditions. All went well until it was time to get off. When the train operator comes over the PA and kindly reminds you that the platforms may be wet and slippery so please be careful getting off - that should be a hint that things will become interesting. Thankfully no one (especially me) got hurt getting off the train. Whew - my day is looking better.

How can a simple umbrella cause so many challenges I ask you? You can see out the train it is raining and as I mentioned about the conductor reminded you it was raining. So logic says, get your umbrella out before you go outside, yes? Apparently no. Why do you get off the train and then just stop and then dig out your umbrella? Everyone now has to bob and weave to get around you. Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and one friendly reminder, that newspaper isn't going to keep you dry. Maybe if you are just running to your car but to go from the train station to your office isn't going to do the job. Swing by your local Target or Walmart and pick up a simple umbrella to keep in the car or your bag. I always keep an umbrella in my bag for work and I have a big golf umbrella in the car for covering Smiley and Me (B-man never wants to share the umbrella with me [sad face]).

Oh and speaking of golf umbrellas I have to say I have a love/hate relationship with them. I love them for the size (again covers 2 people comfortably) and some have really cool designs. Hate them for ignorant people who don't pay attention when walking with them (open or closed). How many times have you almost been gabbed in the stomach or side because someone was power walking with a golf umbrella in their hands and swinging their hands back and forth? When they have them open, they seem to forget how big they are and don't want to share the sidewalk or even maybe tip the umbrella to the side as you are passing them. Oh no, Mr. Big shot doesn't have umbrella manners.

Jesh! Ok maybe this is a minor issue but I'm tired and stressed at work so the little things are annoying me today. I'll crawl back under my rock and wait for the sun to come out . . . tomorrow!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Happy pinning!

Earlier this week I was telling a co-worker about Pinterest ( and it got me to thinking about this site. I love it for great food ideas and recipes. I was proud of myself as I could admit I've even tried one of them (and it turned out pretty good). I've also tried one of the crafting ideas (that one not so good). A friend of mine used Pinterest to help get very creative ideas for a bridal shower which were cool.

I find that on my main page the links that pop up seem to have a pattern to them. They are all of pets, clothing, crafting and food pretty much. I do like to pop onto friends pages and see what they have pinned. I think it tells me a bit more about them.

Do you use Pinterest? Have you ever tried something you pinned or are you just a pinner?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

To ink or not to ink . . . that is the question

I was listening to the talk radio this morning and they were discussing tattoos. They were listing the results of a poll about who has them, what people think of them, blah blah blah. And then naturally they opened the phone lines for people to call in and answer the questions of "Do you have a tattoo? If so what is it? Where did you put it? Why did you get it? Do you regret it?" I found it interesting that more women called in (yes they had tattoos) and for the most part the women didn't have any regrets. The conversation also pointed out that tattoos were becoming much more fashionable in the younger generations these days. Do these young men and women think before getting a tattoo? I mean really think about it? My guess is no.

I have wanted to get a tattoo for 10+ years now but I never actually went. What can I say I don't like needles. I have seen some nice tattoos and some really ugly ones over the years. The ones I like the best are those that have meanings behind them. For example a friend of mine has an autism puzzle piece on her body to show her support for autism awareness (she has 2 boys with autism). This is awesome in my opinion. The tattoo itself is really nice looking and the meaning behind it is powerful (a mom showing her love and support for her kids). I dated a guy one time that had a peace sign on his backside. Oh sure it has a funny story (alcohol was involved) but when he's 85 what will he think of it then? I could be wrong - it could be an even better story then.

So what would I get if I did ever get the courage up? An elephant, naturally. Anyone who knows me, I mean really knows me, would understand. I have loved elephants since I was a small girl. So where would I get it? Well originally I wanted it on my chest but thought against it when my same friends pointed out that the tattoo would look nice right now but as I got older the elephants trunk would have sunk down to my belly button (thanks guys - love you too). I opted that I would get it on thigh if I ever did. And not just any elephant will do - nooooooo. I have chosen one in particular that I think symbolizes me.

For those of you who grew up with Looney Tunes, did you ever see Calling Dr. Porky? It is a 1940's cartoon where Porky is a doctor and a drunk dog comes in with the hiccups. Well the dog begins to see pink elephants. I love these elephants - they are cute but with a hint of mischievousness to them.  Here is a YouTube link to the cartoon if you want to see what I'm talking about:

This also got me to thinking about how the permanent markings on my body and how it will translate to telling Smiley yes and no when she gets older. The only permanent markings I have are my pierces earrings. I have 2 holes in each ear. I had to earn my first hole as a girl and got them when I was about 10 or so. The second hole I have I got when I was 19 (mom wouldn't let me get another hole so I got the second piercing when I was old enough to do it on my own). I love my earrings and wouldn't change a thing. So when Smiley is old enough she can get her first set of ear piercings. More holes after that - we will just have to see.

This also got me to thinking about my actions and how they will affect Smiley. I want to set a good example so I know I need to change things in my life so she doesn't see me doing it and adopt my bad habits. The worst habit I have right now is I drink way to much soda. Anyone who knows me, my drink of choice is a soda. I don't like water (yes I know I know) but I don't like it. I never have. BUT I need to drink more water and less soda to be a good example to her as she grows.

Strange how a radio conversation about tattoos lead my mind to being a role model. With that said, I need to go find a soda (long night with broken sleep due to Smiley) and lots of work to do so maybe I'll be good later and have some water (yeck!).

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Here is your medal and your tax bill

WTH - U.S. Olympic medal winners have to pay taxes on their medals and prize money? How crappy is that! I was shocked this morning when I heard that U.S. Olympic athletes who win a medal have to pay taxes on both the prize money they receive as well as on the actual medals.

Under U.S. tax law, the athletes must add the value of their Olympic medals and prizes to their taxable income, and are taxed at a rate of 35% by the IRS. According to one report I read, the value of a gold medal is about $675, so an athlete could have to pay about $236 in taxes just on the medal. And . . . AND Olympians who win medals also receive cash payments. $25,000 for gold, $15,000 for silver and $10,000 for bronze. So a Gold medal winner could face a tax on the cash prize of about $8,750. Holy crap - nice way to say "thanks for winning medals for the U.S. at the Olympics!"

I am glad to hear that Senator Marco Rubio of Florida just introduced a bill in the Senate that would exempt U.S. Olympic medal winners from paying federal taxes on their medals and prize money earned in the Olympics. Rubio’s bill, if taken up and passed in Congress, would apply to awards won after Dec. 31, 2011. The bill would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to eliminate the tax on Olympic medals and prize money won by U.S. athletes. 

So I wonder how much money Michael Phelps paid how much to the U.S. IRS 4 years ago when he won 7 Gold medals? Good thing he has endorsements to help cover that. I wonder how hard it makes life for those Olympians who are in the lesser known sports who probably don't have big sponsors.

Again I say WTH!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lazy . . . who you calling lazy?

This afternoon in the lunch room several of us were watching the Olympics and the subject of Michael Phelps came up. I couldn't believe my ears when one of my co-workers actually called him lazy for losing first place in the 200 meter butterfly yesterday by five-hundredths of a second. Five-hundredths of a second . . . when was the last time YOU lost an Olympic race by five-hundredths of a second? Yea that is what I thought!

Yes I agree that he could probably have given just a little bit more to get gold but to call him lazy - that just didn't sit well with me. I have complete respect for all our Olympians. I couldn't do what they have done to get to the Olympics let alone compete in them, so I wouldn't even begin to think to start criticizing an Olympian for not getting a certain medal.

This then prompted a bit of a disagreement in which I basically said that I consider someone who is sitting on their butt and complaining about an athlete's performance as the lazy one. I also pointed out that I was sitting on my butt so that could be considered lazy - not someone competing in the Olympics. My guess is that didn't sit well. But hey, who are we to bash someone for not getting the gold and only a silver medal. Its not like Michael Phelps is now the most decorated Olympian in the world . . . oh wait YES HE IS! Any how many gold, silver or bronze medals do you have? Again, yea that's what I thought!

Sure he isn't competing like he did 4 years ago but cut the guy some slack. He is 4 years older, and from and interview I saw several months ago, he admitted he wasn't physically or mentally in the same place now as he was 4 years ago. Do you blame him?

I was browsing article about Michael Phelps just now and found an article in The New Yorker from today about Michael Phelps, it says:  On Tuesday afternoon, Michael Phelps cemented his status as the greatest Olympian of all time in the same moment that he gave further credence to the way we have apparently chosen to see him in 2012: as a disappointment.

Seriously? Seriously! How about not focusing on ourselves for a moment and get behind all our Olympians? I personally have felt this would by Ryan Lochte's Olympics but I'm still rooting for all our Olympians, even if they don't medal. GO USA!!!!

OMG Burger

So last night I was watching Man vs. Food and Adam was in Tuscon, AZ for the O.M.G. Burger Challenge at Lindy's Diner. The challenge was to eat the burger in 20 minutes (and it was free) and/or just finish the burger and get your picture on the wall of fame. Sound pretty simply huh? Well, not so much. The burger was made up of 12 patties, 2 kinds of cheese, lettuce, tomato and secret sauce (all held together by a wooden skewer). O.M.G. is right! I won't spoil the ending for you if you haven't seen the episodes but all I can say is wow!

The funny thing is it got me thinking, I've never done a food challenge of any type and I kinda want to now. I couldn't put away a 12 patty burger (even though it looked really good - maybe because I was hungry and hadn't had dinner yet) but maybe sometime in my life I will try a food contest of some sort. Just make sure the Pepto and Tums are handy.

Daddy's Girl

There is no doubt in my mind that Smiley is a Daddy's girl!

Last night when B-man got home, Smiley just lit up. She smiled, giggled and even watched him as he walked about the room. Never mind that mom was on the floor playing with her, had just fed her and changed a very stinky diaper, but DADDY'S HOME!!!! It was very cute.

Oh sure she smiles when I come to get her at daycare and will occasionally reach for me if someone else is holding her but she doesn't light up for me like she did last night for him. I guess I can't be too upset, I am after all a daddy's girl.

BTW- much better without that beard he was growing for hockey playoffs huh?!