Thursday, December 27, 2012

One year makes a huge difference

Christmas 2012 has come and gone (well not if you look at my living room) and I had to reflect on how different this Christmas was verses last Christmas. Christmas 2011 we were home recovering and trying to figure each other out. This year she was all over the place with wonder and exploration. I can only imagine what Christmas 2013 will be like.

Christmas 2011

Christmas 2012

Wishing you and yours a very happy and safe new year!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My bad!!!!!!!

So I know it has been over a months since I have posted anything so MY BAD! Things get a big crazy for me around this time of year (yes all the way back since November - it actually starts in October) so I opt for sleep and or actually doing my job (damn day job gets in the way every time) instead of posting. I promise next year I'll be better.

That leads me to start thinking of my 2013 resolutions. Maybe if I actually write them down and post them then I can be held accountable for them over the year and maybe just maybe if I check in every months to post how I'm doing I might actually stick to them . . . well some of them . . . maybe one or two . . . OK OK at least 1.

OK should I put down as my first resolution . . . hum maybe world peace, nah Miss America has that one down pat. Um um maybe I could keep us from going over that fiscal cliff, yea right I'm lucky if I balance my checkbook anymore. OK OK seriously here are my 2013 resolutions:

1. Learn at least 12 words in German and to be able to use them in a conversation properly. That's one a month so that should be doable provided that JR is willing to teach me and work with me.

2. Bring my lunch to work 4 days a week. That gives me the opportunity to treat myself at least once a week to something yummy. . . Whole Paycheck anyone?

3. Play for 60 minutes a day. Oh sure I'm ripping off the NFL with all their creative commercials - love the one with Cam Newton and the kid. ("Be drafted first," "Become Quarterback for the Panthers," "Be your mom's favorite player," and the best one "I'm just warming up my arm"). Maybe if I strive to do that everyday both Smiley and I will benefit from the exercise.

4. Drink water every day. OMG that is gonna be the hardest one. I know I know most people are shaking their heads at me but I don't like water. I never have, even when I was playing softball and volleyball - I don't like water. It takes an effort for me to drink it. Blah. I know it is good for me and blah blah blah, I just don't like it. The only time you will probably willingly catch me drinking water is when I sing.

5. Buy a plant and keep it alive all year long. My mother was gracious enough to pass along to me in my DNA the ability to kill a plant. I love plants and flowers yet I can't keep them alive. My FIL has a gift when it comes to plants that B-man seems to have inherited so between the 3 of us maybe I can do that. Now I just have to figure out what I am going to get. I have to keep in mind a curious 1 year old, a nose 4 year old cat (he's the most destructive) and well my black thumb. I'll take suggestions.

6. Try one new recipe a week. I love to cook but haven't really had the time or energy over the last year. So I'll make something brand new once a week and even try to get pictures up on my blog with a review.

7. Try one new food a month. B-man loves to tease me when I see something that I don't want to try that I say "I'm not eating that" (picture a 4 year old with her arms crossed - yep it looks and sounds like that).

8. Find a way to bring in more cha-ching for my family. Gotta find a way to get more money into my bank account (legally that is) than in the last year. Kids are expensive!!!

9. Save more money. I need to go back to putting X amount from each paycheck into my savings and not touching it. On top of that - need to stop using the credit cards. Been so bad about that this past year.

10. Be a better wifey. I love my B-man so much and I don't show him/tell him enough I think. Need to find the time and energy to spend more one on one time with him.

11. De-crap my house. Oh sure I could say De-Clutter but De-Crap I think is more accurate. Now a hoarder I am not, a pack rat I am. I have things that just need to go to the trash that I keep saying "oh this needs to go and that needs to go" but damn it, it never goes.

12. Let my inner Martha Stewart shine. I love crafty things but I don't do enough of them. I just got this great counted cross-stitch dragon that I am excited to get started on. Need to make that a priority. Then I'll find another project to work on.

OK so that is 12 resolutions or more like goals for the year of 2013. Maybe I'll come up with more before the year is out but I truthfully wouldn't hold your breath on that one. Feel free to share your resolutions if you want and maybe we can keep each other on task for the new year. Buddy system right?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year . . .

So driving into work this morning I heard on the radio that one of the local radio stations will begin their "All Holiday Music" on the 15th of November. OMG! I love love LOVE me some Christmas but it isn't even Thanksgiving! Heck I still have my Halloween Pumpkin on my front porch and the skeleton hanging in my tree outside (don't judge - they will go this weekend).

I wasn't even affected by practicing Christmas music in choir but I guess the fact that I was in Target on Tuesday and heard that announcement on the radio this morning, it really hit me that Christmas is coming. OK let me do a quick Internet check as to how many days are left until Christmas (hold please) . . . (insert hold music - "Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose; and if you ever saw it you would even say it glows"). OOOOH only 46 days according to the countdown clock.

OK now that I have some of you crawling out of your skin in excitement or anxiety, I have to share that it just dawned on me that I need to buy all new decorations for my Christmas tree. We already had to pick a new place to put the tree because Smiley's pack n' play is currently in the trees location and I don't feel like trying to find a new home for that. But now I have to get all new decorations because a large portion are breakable. Oh sure I did get some shatter proof balls over the last 4 years since Jasper joined our family. For some reason he gets a wild oat up his furry butt every year and climbs the tree. I think it reminds him of his days out in the wild before we rescued him.

Every day when we get home (we could be gone for 15 minutes or 3 hours) we have to check to see what ornaments are on the floor and put them back on. Every now and then you will hear a bell ring. No it doesn't mean an angel just got it's wings - it means that Jasper is in the tree again. Well now I have to deal with Jasper and Smiley. I'm sure she will fall into the tree at least a half a dozen times before I take it down.

I began picking up a few new things for the tree at Target (they had really cute baby and cat proof decorations) but right now only 2 branches will be covered. Ugh need to keep on the look out for more fun and little one proof. Thankfully Tope just likes to look at the tree and smell the presents.

OH speaking of presents, if you get on and you find tons of tape on it this year it won't be because the tape bandit has struck again (although I still might pick one lucky soul this year to torment - bwahhhh hahhh hahhh) it means that Jasper and Smiley have struck and I've had to redo the wrapping. Smiley helped me un do some wrapping to my birthday presents earlier this week and she was very excited to do that. Hummm - maybe I can get her some bubble wrap and see what happens (oooh bubble wrap - love it!).

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How many?

Random thought of the day: "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?"

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Halloween spirits

Today while the baby was taking a nap I discovered a new show (well new for me) on The Travel Channel. It is called The Dead Files. The synopsis of the show is that medium Amy Allan and retired NYPD homicide detective Steve Di Schiavi, work together to try and solve unexplained paranormal phenomena in haunted locations across America.The detective does a full on investigation of the location, events/history and then interviews people. The medium is taken to the location at separate time (always night) to do a walk through and she has someone recording her the whole time (that person goes to the location prior to remove items that might give hints and such about the location). Then the detective and the medium get together with the people who called them there to reveal the findings and compare what they found. It is uncanny how many of the things overlap as they revel things. The medium tends to have at least one sketch done and it is revealed and pretty much there is a picture of someone from the past that is revealed and it looks a lot like that person. I found it interesting and I'll be looking for this show again to watch.

So I have a question. Why do all these ghost adventure/ghost hunting/ghost adventures thingys at night? If there are spirits they don't just wait until night to contact you. Night allows for more times that one person being freaked out over nothing out of the ordinary and then the person(s) next to them react too. Annoying!

So we are well into the Halloween season (we went and got Smiley's 1st pumpkin today) and I've noticed more and more ghost based works so that got me to thinking. How many of you actually believe in spirits/ghost/angels/demons/entities? How many of you are willing to admit it without worrying what others think? How many of you are complete skeptics? How many of you would go on a ghost adventure? What is your "ghost story"?

I find it interesting that more people (at least in my findings) are open to talk about politics but they won't talk about the paranormal. So what is your stance? Mine? I openly admit that I strongly believe in ghosts, angels and demons. Have I ever experienced them at any time in my life? Most certainly. Would I go on a ghost adventure? Sure if I felt it was going to be a real thing and not something staged like "Scare Tactics".

Ah ha, best you didn't know that about me?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fall is here!

I love fall. It is my favorite time of year. There are so  many reasons I love fall. I love having to throw that extra blanket on the bed (although B-man will say that despite the fact that there is another blanket on the bed, he still doesn't get any because I hog them all). I love wearing sweatshirts and light jackets. I love love love the way fall smells in the air. I love the colors of the leaves changing and the sound of wind blowing through the trees. I love the smell and taste of warm cider. Fall makes me think of baking. I find myself wanting to make anything and everything with pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, cider and apples in it. I get a big giddy when I walk into the local Target or Walmart and see them starting to put Christmas decorations out (eeeeeeeee!!!).

I'm so happy it is fall. Sure I might get a big chilled and need that extra layer but boy oh boy do I love fall. I remember a conversation I was having with 2 other people many years ago at the station. One person asked me "Why are you in such a good mood?" and the other person responded on my behalf with "It's the weather. This is her favorite time of year so she's in a good mood." She was right - so happy it is fall. Might have to run down to Starbucks and get a Caramel Apple Cider/Spice for my ride home tonight. Yum.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Laughter is contagious!

Laughter is contagious! Last night B-man and I were watching 2 different stand up comedian specials via Netflix (the Debate was one and I loathe politics so I needed something funny). Well I found out that laughter really is contagious. . . . yep. B-man and I were laughing really hard at some of the jokes and then I noticed that Smiley was watching us laugh and in turn was laughing too. Too cute and funny.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Zombies attack!

As I have mentioned I have this "thing" with zombies. Earlier this week I was flipping channels and caught a really bad German (dubbed over into English) zombie movie on the SyFy network and just last night Brad was playing Plants Vs. Zombie. Sooooooooooo I have to assume that was enough subliminal messaging for me to have a zombie dream. But instead I had 2 different dreams last night. WTH!

In the first dream I was close to being zombie food because myself and the team of people I was with in the castle went out to help the bus of elderly people pulling wheelie bags. Thankfully I woke up before the attack began but geesh. At least in the second dream we were working in teams and had cool vehicles. We ended up in a BJs/Sams/Costco type place that was a zombie free zone and so I was also able to stock up on diapers and formula. Well at least that was a good thing.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Politics - YUCK!

VOTE FOR ME because he said this. 
VOTE FOR ME because he didn't do that! 
VOTE FOR ME blah blah blah!  

Oh shut up already!

As you are well aware that it is a political free for all out there right now. You can't get away from a paper, magazine, radio or TV station without being reminded of it. The elections are just a few short months away (November 6th - WHAT A GREAT DAY!), the conventions are coming and going and well there are ads ads everywhere. Living and working in the metropolitan area I guess we are more inundated with the whole election situation (maybe I am wrong) but guess what? I am done! Stop already. UGH. I hate politics. Hate it. Yep I'm a hater! I know I know hate is a strong word and I don't use it very often but right now I will opening and happily state that I HATE politics.

Please don't ask me who I'm voting for (that includes you phone peeps who call and leave recorded messages on my voice mail). I don't know who I'm voting for at this moment. Guess what? I probably won't until the day of the election and until that very moment that I am standing in the voting booth at my local high school. So then why do I post about politics? I really don't know other than I feel I need to stand on my soap box today (and well, this is MY blog after all). You can do what you want on your blog. You don't like my post - don't read it. Plain and simple. Nespa? No just Hersheys! (ha ha ha - watch Murder By Death and you will get it).

Anywhoos I think my co-worker has it well summed up (for many reasons). On her facebook page, under her political affiliations is says: DISAPPOINTED. Ha ha ha - too funny and too true on so many levels. OK so I've had my moment of rant. I'll step down from my soap box but before I go I just want to add one thing. Despite my strong dislike (better?) of politics there is one aspect of it that I find to be very important. The right to vote (as well as the right to voice my opinion as you have just read). That right was given to me through the blood, sweat and tears of many men and women who go unremembered.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I went and did it. Yep, I forgot my cell phone at home today. And don't you know it B-man called me at work to tease me about it. As you might have guessed it certainly isn't the first time I have walked off without my cell phone and I can promise you it won't be the last time either. And believe it or not, I'm ok with it. I know it is at home so I'm not concerned about losing it - I'm just disconnected right now. I heard on the radio where the DJs asked people to call in and voice whether they would be more freaked out if they lost their wallet or their cell phone. 99% of the people called in saying they would freak out if they lost their phone. I would be one of the 1%. I would freak out if I lost my wallet - OMG my credit cards and may ATM card and my driver's license - how frustrating it would be to cancel everything, reorder it and wait for new cards to come in. Not to mention having to go to the DMV to get a new license - that would be shear terror to me.

Recently I thought I lost my phone but it was found. I was only upset because it has pictures of Smiley on it that I don't want to lose. That was the only reason I was concerned about my phone being separated from me. It is possible to live without a cell phone. Heck we did it for years and years. We do it when a major situation happens and the cell towers go down. You can manage to take a shower each day without it in your hand. (or at least I hope you do). I won't say you don't sleep with it because apparently some people do.

Technology does make life easier in some ways, but in other ways it makes us handicap. Maybe I'll forget my phone more often and enjoy a little walk on the wild side.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aging myself

I was just reading a blog in which the author mentioned that they were making a list of the things their child would never know about, understand the meaning to, and/or experience because they were born in the 2000's. I have to admit I started reading her list and found it very fascinating. I've started making my own list (using some of her suggestions as well as my own)

1. The rotary dial on the phone. They physical phone and the sound it made when it dialed the number. My grandmother use to use a pencil to dial the numbers on a rotary phone.
2. Always having a quarter to use in the phone booth just in case. When was the last time you saw a phone booth?
3. Pen pals. You know actual people that you didn't really know that you wrote a letter to and mailed it off to them and waited a week or so for a reply.
4. The smoking section in the back of the plane. Don't miss that at all but I think most planes still have the no smoke light right? 5. A vinyl record. Ok Smiley will know about these as my family still has lots of them.
6. Saturday Morning Cartoons. You know the real ones with Bugs Bunny, the Rod Runner and Elmer Fudd.
7. A typewriter. The old kind. My grandmother used them constantly and when I took typing in school we used real typewriters - not even the electric type.
8. Waiting all day to tape record that one song on the radio you wanted. . . and the DJ talked during the entire opening of the song so you really didn't even get the good part.
9. Couples Only Skating. I always went skating with my girlfriends so we all linked arms and skated together.
10. Banana Clips. Guilty - I had them in many colors.
11. Rabbit Ears on the TV.
12. Remote Controls. You know, when you had to get up and turn the dial on the TV to change the channel.

I know this is only a small list but it really does get you thinking about what you grew up with verse items your kids will grow up with as staples.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's raining, it's pouring . . . People have lost their minds!

Scattered T-StormsWhat is it about the rain that makes people lose their damn minds? Rain is not a new phenomenon to mankind. Heck the weatherman even told you it would probably rain today. So why oh why do people freak out? I got onto the freeway (yes it was raining) without any major issues but it went downhill from there very quickly. Someone got scared and began to ride their breaks and slow down for no reason. I'm all for caution when driving, especially when the conditions are not perfect but seriously what was the deal? 

The person in front of me just began to slow down to 40 mph in the middle lane. Everyone else was going about 55 and behaving and amazingly enough no one was tailgating. So what was dudes issue? Instead of yelling profanity I opted to move back over into the right lane as there was no one in that lane getting break happy when all of a sudden someone else freaked out, slammed on their breaks and then pulled right in front of me. Um Hello? Did you not see me here? Oh wait my headlights were on and that must have confused you. Fine, whatever, my exit is coming up and hopefully you will go away. Wait wait are you getting off here to? Please no, please no, please no . . . yea, thank you God!  Schmuck #2 kept going, weeeeee!

Getting off the freeway was less traumatic than being on it and getting to the train station wasn't very exciting so I thought the worst of my commute was over . . . he he he I spoke too soon. Thankfully the rain tapered off and I waited on the platform under dry conditions. All went well until it was time to get off. When the train operator comes over the PA and kindly reminds you that the platforms may be wet and slippery so please be careful getting off - that should be a hint that things will become interesting. Thankfully no one (especially me) got hurt getting off the train. Whew - my day is looking better.

How can a simple umbrella cause so many challenges I ask you? You can see out the train it is raining and as I mentioned about the conductor reminded you it was raining. So logic says, get your umbrella out before you go outside, yes? Apparently no. Why do you get off the train and then just stop and then dig out your umbrella? Everyone now has to bob and weave to get around you. Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and one friendly reminder, that newspaper isn't going to keep you dry. Maybe if you are just running to your car but to go from the train station to your office isn't going to do the job. Swing by your local Target or Walmart and pick up a simple umbrella to keep in the car or your bag. I always keep an umbrella in my bag for work and I have a big golf umbrella in the car for covering Smiley and Me (B-man never wants to share the umbrella with me [sad face]).

Oh and speaking of golf umbrellas I have to say I have a love/hate relationship with them. I love them for the size (again covers 2 people comfortably) and some have really cool designs. Hate them for ignorant people who don't pay attention when walking with them (open or closed). How many times have you almost been gabbed in the stomach or side because someone was power walking with a golf umbrella in their hands and swinging their hands back and forth? When they have them open, they seem to forget how big they are and don't want to share the sidewalk or even maybe tip the umbrella to the side as you are passing them. Oh no, Mr. Big shot doesn't have umbrella manners.

Jesh! Ok maybe this is a minor issue but I'm tired and stressed at work so the little things are annoying me today. I'll crawl back under my rock and wait for the sun to come out . . . tomorrow!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Happy pinning!

Earlier this week I was telling a co-worker about Pinterest ( and it got me to thinking about this site. I love it for great food ideas and recipes. I was proud of myself as I could admit I've even tried one of them (and it turned out pretty good). I've also tried one of the crafting ideas (that one not so good). A friend of mine used Pinterest to help get very creative ideas for a bridal shower which were cool.

I find that on my main page the links that pop up seem to have a pattern to them. They are all of pets, clothing, crafting and food pretty much. I do like to pop onto friends pages and see what they have pinned. I think it tells me a bit more about them.

Do you use Pinterest? Have you ever tried something you pinned or are you just a pinner?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

To ink or not to ink . . . that is the question

I was listening to the talk radio this morning and they were discussing tattoos. They were listing the results of a poll about who has them, what people think of them, blah blah blah. And then naturally they opened the phone lines for people to call in and answer the questions of "Do you have a tattoo? If so what is it? Where did you put it? Why did you get it? Do you regret it?" I found it interesting that more women called in (yes they had tattoos) and for the most part the women didn't have any regrets. The conversation also pointed out that tattoos were becoming much more fashionable in the younger generations these days. Do these young men and women think before getting a tattoo? I mean really think about it? My guess is no.

I have wanted to get a tattoo for 10+ years now but I never actually went. What can I say I don't like needles. I have seen some nice tattoos and some really ugly ones over the years. The ones I like the best are those that have meanings behind them. For example a friend of mine has an autism puzzle piece on her body to show her support for autism awareness (she has 2 boys with autism). This is awesome in my opinion. The tattoo itself is really nice looking and the meaning behind it is powerful (a mom showing her love and support for her kids). I dated a guy one time that had a peace sign on his backside. Oh sure it has a funny story (alcohol was involved) but when he's 85 what will he think of it then? I could be wrong - it could be an even better story then.

So what would I get if I did ever get the courage up? An elephant, naturally. Anyone who knows me, I mean really knows me, would understand. I have loved elephants since I was a small girl. So where would I get it? Well originally I wanted it on my chest but thought against it when my same friends pointed out that the tattoo would look nice right now but as I got older the elephants trunk would have sunk down to my belly button (thanks guys - love you too). I opted that I would get it on thigh if I ever did. And not just any elephant will do - nooooooo. I have chosen one in particular that I think symbolizes me.

For those of you who grew up with Looney Tunes, did you ever see Calling Dr. Porky? It is a 1940's cartoon where Porky is a doctor and a drunk dog comes in with the hiccups. Well the dog begins to see pink elephants. I love these elephants - they are cute but with a hint of mischievousness to them.  Here is a YouTube link to the cartoon if you want to see what I'm talking about:

This also got me to thinking about how the permanent markings on my body and how it will translate to telling Smiley yes and no when she gets older. The only permanent markings I have are my pierces earrings. I have 2 holes in each ear. I had to earn my first hole as a girl and got them when I was about 10 or so. The second hole I have I got when I was 19 (mom wouldn't let me get another hole so I got the second piercing when I was old enough to do it on my own). I love my earrings and wouldn't change a thing. So when Smiley is old enough she can get her first set of ear piercings. More holes after that - we will just have to see.

This also got me to thinking about my actions and how they will affect Smiley. I want to set a good example so I know I need to change things in my life so she doesn't see me doing it and adopt my bad habits. The worst habit I have right now is I drink way to much soda. Anyone who knows me, my drink of choice is a soda. I don't like water (yes I know I know) but I don't like it. I never have. BUT I need to drink more water and less soda to be a good example to her as she grows.

Strange how a radio conversation about tattoos lead my mind to being a role model. With that said, I need to go find a soda (long night with broken sleep due to Smiley) and lots of work to do so maybe I'll be good later and have some water (yeck!).

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Here is your medal and your tax bill

WTH - U.S. Olympic medal winners have to pay taxes on their medals and prize money? How crappy is that! I was shocked this morning when I heard that U.S. Olympic athletes who win a medal have to pay taxes on both the prize money they receive as well as on the actual medals.

Under U.S. tax law, the athletes must add the value of their Olympic medals and prizes to their taxable income, and are taxed at a rate of 35% by the IRS. According to one report I read, the value of a gold medal is about $675, so an athlete could have to pay about $236 in taxes just on the medal. And . . . AND Olympians who win medals also receive cash payments. $25,000 for gold, $15,000 for silver and $10,000 for bronze. So a Gold medal winner could face a tax on the cash prize of about $8,750. Holy crap - nice way to say "thanks for winning medals for the U.S. at the Olympics!"

I am glad to hear that Senator Marco Rubio of Florida just introduced a bill in the Senate that would exempt U.S. Olympic medal winners from paying federal taxes on their medals and prize money earned in the Olympics. Rubio’s bill, if taken up and passed in Congress, would apply to awards won after Dec. 31, 2011. The bill would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to eliminate the tax on Olympic medals and prize money won by U.S. athletes. 

So I wonder how much money Michael Phelps paid how much to the U.S. IRS 4 years ago when he won 7 Gold medals? Good thing he has endorsements to help cover that. I wonder how hard it makes life for those Olympians who are in the lesser known sports who probably don't have big sponsors.

Again I say WTH!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lazy . . . who you calling lazy?

This afternoon in the lunch room several of us were watching the Olympics and the subject of Michael Phelps came up. I couldn't believe my ears when one of my co-workers actually called him lazy for losing first place in the 200 meter butterfly yesterday by five-hundredths of a second. Five-hundredths of a second . . . when was the last time YOU lost an Olympic race by five-hundredths of a second? Yea that is what I thought!

Yes I agree that he could probably have given just a little bit more to get gold but to call him lazy - that just didn't sit well with me. I have complete respect for all our Olympians. I couldn't do what they have done to get to the Olympics let alone compete in them, so I wouldn't even begin to think to start criticizing an Olympian for not getting a certain medal.

This then prompted a bit of a disagreement in which I basically said that I consider someone who is sitting on their butt and complaining about an athlete's performance as the lazy one. I also pointed out that I was sitting on my butt so that could be considered lazy - not someone competing in the Olympics. My guess is that didn't sit well. But hey, who are we to bash someone for not getting the gold and only a silver medal. Its not like Michael Phelps is now the most decorated Olympian in the world . . . oh wait YES HE IS! Any how many gold, silver or bronze medals do you have? Again, yea that's what I thought!

Sure he isn't competing like he did 4 years ago but cut the guy some slack. He is 4 years older, and from and interview I saw several months ago, he admitted he wasn't physically or mentally in the same place now as he was 4 years ago. Do you blame him?

I was browsing article about Michael Phelps just now and found an article in The New Yorker from today about Michael Phelps, it says:  On Tuesday afternoon, Michael Phelps cemented his status as the greatest Olympian of all time in the same moment that he gave further credence to the way we have apparently chosen to see him in 2012: as a disappointment.

Seriously? Seriously! How about not focusing on ourselves for a moment and get behind all our Olympians? I personally have felt this would by Ryan Lochte's Olympics but I'm still rooting for all our Olympians, even if they don't medal. GO USA!!!!

OMG Burger

So last night I was watching Man vs. Food and Adam was in Tuscon, AZ for the O.M.G. Burger Challenge at Lindy's Diner. The challenge was to eat the burger in 20 minutes (and it was free) and/or just finish the burger and get your picture on the wall of fame. Sound pretty simply huh? Well, not so much. The burger was made up of 12 patties, 2 kinds of cheese, lettuce, tomato and secret sauce (all held together by a wooden skewer). O.M.G. is right! I won't spoil the ending for you if you haven't seen the episodes but all I can say is wow!

The funny thing is it got me thinking, I've never done a food challenge of any type and I kinda want to now. I couldn't put away a 12 patty burger (even though it looked really good - maybe because I was hungry and hadn't had dinner yet) but maybe sometime in my life I will try a food contest of some sort. Just make sure the Pepto and Tums are handy.

Daddy's Girl

There is no doubt in my mind that Smiley is a Daddy's girl!

Last night when B-man got home, Smiley just lit up. She smiled, giggled and even watched him as he walked about the room. Never mind that mom was on the floor playing with her, had just fed her and changed a very stinky diaper, but DADDY'S HOME!!!! It was very cute.

Oh sure she smiles when I come to get her at daycare and will occasionally reach for me if someone else is holding her but she doesn't light up for me like she did last night for him. I guess I can't be too upset, I am after all a daddy's girl.

BTW- much better without that beard he was growing for hockey playoffs huh?!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How about some cheese to go with that whine?

Whine whine whine whine whine - yep that is my motto today. Pray-tell what has me in such a wonderful mood? Allergies my dear friends - allergies. I have my yearly allergy testing on Thursday so I can't take any allergy medicine for the next several days so needless to say I'm not a happy camper right now. I am pretty much allergic to the state of Virginia according to my doctor (dust mites, ragweed, pollen, dust, trees, grass, mold, dogs (slightly), cats (slightly) . . . and a partridge in a pear tree.

Ah yes my wonderful yearly testing where they create 2 rows of big red itchy welts on my back, leave the room for 30 minutes and tell me not to scratch. OMG - it takes all my will power not to scratch my back. Thankfully I have prior training on how to resist the urge to scratch. How does one get training for that you make ask, well it is easy - break a bone and get a cast. You can't scratch so you have to learn how to ignore that urge to scratch. Not easy but doable. I have had extra credit courses over the years since I have had at least 3 casts (1 on the right ankle and two on the right arm) over the years as well as braces on my knees post surgery.

So you might think my whining has come to an end but oh no silly - I've got more to whine about. My TMJ is really acting up so I have a headache. My neck, back and shoulders really are tight so I need a massage. I'm well I'm tired. I know you are shocked!

Enjoy the day peeps - I'm going to try and get into a better mood or I'll just have some wine when I get home tonight.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Location Location Location!

Apparently it is all about location location location. . .

After many years of working in Washington DC I had my share of run ins with homeless people. The most memorable events were of the woman who was pregnant for 3 years (she must be having a herd of elephants); the guy who in the middle of the afternoon stripped down to his birthday suit in the park and just sat down on the bench (I guess he got hot huh?); and the constant people who yelled at trees, walls and people who just weren't there.

After my office moved to Alexandria I noticed I hadn't come across a homeless person since we left DC. I guessed that the location of my office was not one that really supported a homeless community.Well I have to say I was wrong. In the last 2 weeks I've come across 2 homeless gentlemen and I've noticed that with location comes a different breed of homeless individuals.This morning I saw that one of these individuals was listening to an ipod (or the like) and had a pipe (like one that Sherlock Holmes would use). Wow - you change location you get a more sophisticated version of the homeless. I wonder what Beverly Hills homeless people look like, my guess is they drive a Toyota instead of a Lexus!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rabies = Zombies

Zombies! I dream about them sometimes for weeks at a time. I watch zombie movies when I come across them, yet they freak me out all at the same time (Night of the Living Dead was my first experience with Zs). I read zombie books like Max Brooks' The Zombie Survival Guide (Three Rivers Press, 2003) and World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War (Crown, 2006). I haven't gotten to The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks (Random House, 2008) although I skimmed it in Borders (oh Borders how I miss you). I even was given a Pat the Zombie: A Cruel (Adult) Spoof (Ten Speed Press, 2011) for my baby shower (thanks V). I also thought Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (Quirk Books, 2009) and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls (Quirk Books, 2010) were really good too.

 File:Zombiesurvivalguide.jpg Max Brooks - The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded AttacksMax Brooks - World War Z

So why do you ask that I bring the subject of Zombies up? Well in the matter of 2 days I've have Zombie pop up around me at work. No not literally (do you think I would be on here typing if the living dead was hanging around the office and me without my Louisville slugger?) but physically in a way. Most people know that I work as a copyright analyst for a big time company and my job had me dealing with entertainment industry works. Well yesterday afternoon I was assigned a search for a zombie movie that will be coming out in 2013. Then today as I was heating up my lunch I was just skimming through the newspapers left out by people and low and behold I come across an article in The Wall Street Journal (I know - who's a thunk it that I would be reading The Wall Street Journal) about Zombie and Vampires and how they can be linked back to rabies. It was a short I page article that was very interesting to see how you can link becoming/being a zombie and a vampire back to rabies. The authors have valid points. And as I recall there is a link to rabies in World War Z.

Well now I can pretty much guess that within a very short period of time I'll be having one of my zombie dreams and I'll come across a zombie movie on T.V. and won't be able to change the channel.

Pat the Zombie: A Cruel (Adult) Spoof

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Hair!

Since having Smiley I've been letting my hair grow out. It is just easier sometimes to pull it back into a messy blob on the top of my head or into a pony tail (yep sporting one of those today) but seriously I'm 36 years old - when does look say professional I ask you. But anywhoos. I need to get it trimmed and figure out something to do with it. I don't want to go short short but I'm not looking to go long again (think high school peeps). I have figured one thing out that I think I am going to do. I want to add some color to my hair.

Ohhh what color should I do? Now don't get me wrong I love being a brunette (you will never ever ever see me go blond - if you do I swear it is a wig and there must be alcohol involved) but sometimes my dark hair goes flat or the greys pop out way too much (btw - thanks Grandma for that DNA strand of going grey early in life) for my taste. When this happens I break out the temporary tinted color (not ready to go full head dye job) and since my hair is well my hair I can get away with the tinted temporary color for a lot longer than most people. I am feeling daring and I am ready to make a change and add some real color to my hair . . . Dark Blue Highlights. Yep not red, not light brown but BLUE!!!

The host of TLC's "How Do I Look" Jeannie Mai has blue highlights in her hair and I love it. They are well placed in her hair and I really think she wears it well. She is classy but edgy at the same time. So I don't think I'll look like at 14 year old trying to get attention from mom and dad if I do this.

Either way, I need to get my hair cut and who knows maybe Robin will think my idea is good and poof I'll have the blue highlights. Only time will tell.

Bakersfield, California

"I wish they all could be California girls" or so says the Beach Boys (ohh ohh and David Lee Roth too). . . 

In the mornings on my way to work I like to listen to the local radio station and my favorite morning show is the Jack Diamond Morning Show on Mix 107.3 FM here in the DC area. I have listened to his show for years and I have to say I love the chemistry of Jack and Jimmy. Over the years there have been a number of other individuals who have rotated in and out of this show but Jack is the constant (hence the reason it is called the Jack Diamond Morning Show instead of Some Peeps On The Radio This Morning Show). I like his voice and his overall personality on the radio so I stay. I do get a bit annoyed that every morning I hear pretty much the same songs at the same time every day (is it just me or do you notice that too) but that is the radio station's lineup for that time slot so I just have to suck it up if I choose to listen to Jack. Right? Right!

Not too long ago the show got a new member. Her name is Brooke. She was certainly made to be on radio. Why do you ask, well it is because she has one of those Kathleen Turner type voices (you know that husty/raspy deep woman voice) that really makes you notice. Well I guess being new to the show she wants to make herself known in this area and much like all people on the radio she tell stories about her past and growing up. At first I found myself excited to get to know her because she said one word that really got my attention. That word was: BAKERSFIELD. As in Bakersfield, CA. I though hey cool  I have family out in Bakersfield . Shout out to the Rodman clan - what what (bet you didn't think I'd get all gangsta on ya - ha ha ha just kidding). Well the more I listen to her stories of back home in Bakersfield, the more annoyed I get.

Why do I get annoyed you may ask? Well when she talks about Bakersfield it comes across like a Mayberry small town kind of place when I know in fact it is not. Oh sure Bakersfield is small compared to Washington DC and NYC but come on, it isn't a small po-dunct (I guess that is how you spell it) kind of place. Now I know what your are thinking, not a big deal, but for some reason it just makes my skin crawl when she does that. It has been a number of years since I've physically been to Bakersfield, but even my memory recalls it not being a small town. I always thought Taft, CA was a smaller town than Bakersfield.

According to the visitors guide for Bakersfield, in the 2010 census they had over 338,000 residents and it is the 11th largest city in California. Not too shabby considering how large a state California is. Like I said, Bakersfield isn't Washington DC (population in 2011 of over 617,000) or NYC (population of over 8, 200,000) but hey it isn't Tazwell, VA (population of just over 4,000) or even Trinidad, CA (population of just over 300). Oh and speaking of Mayberry, apparently Mayberry was loosely based on Andy Griffith's home town of Mount Airy, NC which had in the 2010 census a population of over 10,000 people.

I thought about sending an email to Brooke but figured I not worth my time, instead I am voicing my annoyance here for all you lovely people to see. What you don't like what I have to say? Well go get your own blog then! (raspberries to you) No no no, you don't have to thank me. It has been my pleasure to share this very important piece of news. Now I return you to your regularly scheduled program. . . "Up next is California Girls by Katy Perry".

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Understanding dreams

Most people know I have an interesting and colorful imagination, especially when I sleep (zombies are a favorite topic of my dreams) so several years ago I bought a book about interpreting dreams. I find it interesting that I'm able to understand the underlying reason for why I am dreaming. But what really gets me is with some dreams I am able to figure out right away the logic and reasoning behind them, but what I can't come to terms with is the emotions that some dreams stir up. 3 years ago I lost my mother and not a day goes by that I don't miss her and wish she was back here again with us. I spent my time trying to focus on the positive things that she taught me and the amazing experiences we shared over the years. Yet every time I have a dream about her I find the dream is more about emotions that I haven't been able to deal/cope with yet. Where is the book about that?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

One ticket, one seat . . . or so I thought

This afternoon I had the pleasure of taking the Amtrak train instead of my usual commuter train and I was so happy to get out of the oppressive heat and humidity for the air conditioning and comfy seats. Well seats were hard to find because passengers were scattered all over the train. I had to go almost into the next car before finding a seat alone. I was in the row right behind the 4 seaters. You know the seats that have 2 facing in and 2 facing out. These are perfect for a part of 3 or 4 and really great for people traveling with kids. Well the seats in front of me and across from me (yes all 4 - well 8 in this case) were taken up by 2 young ladies who were obviously traveling with each other because they were texting and talking to each other at the same time.

They were stretched out all over these 4 seats (I mean 8) that they couldn't possibly move for other passengers. So when did it become acceptable to pay for 1 seat and get 3 extra. When did we become so entitled as a society that this was acceptable behavior. Oh and the icing to the cake, I had to squeeze into my seat because the girl in front of me had her seat reclined all the way back. When I was trying to get out I hit the seat with my knee (ouch) and the girl turned and gave me a nasty look. What the heck!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I love to listen to foreign accents. They always make everything sound better in my book. We have clients in my company all over the world (I've spoken with people from Australia, Germany, France and England over the years) and I just love to listen to them talk - heck they could just say the alphabet and I'd be good. Well since my company is a global organization we get people from Europe in our office all the time. Today I got to chat in the break room with a nice gentleman who has a wonderful English accent. We were discussing how to use our very challenging coffee machine (believe me it is - too many buttons and I just wanted tea!) but it was much more entertaining to hear him discuss things like the coffee machine. Sigh - love me some accents. Oooohhhh now I'm dreaming of Hugh Jackman and his wonderful accent!

This morning brought to you by . . . Oatmeal (bleck!)

This morning at work I made myself some Kellogg's Instant Oatmeal for breakfast. I know I know - not my style but I'm trying to lose some weight since having Smiley and well everyone else in the office just loves it (sure sure I know, "if everyone else jumps off a bridge would you" blah blah blah), and goes on and on about how it is a healthy choice so I thought ok oatmeal it is. I have on many occasions tried to eat oatmeal (stop shaking your heads - yes I have), all kinds to be exact. I've tried a variety of the instant oatmeal packets as well as the good Irish stuff that was given to me (it was promised the good stuff would taste better than instant). I have to tell you all . . . it is just simply nasty. Bleck! Every time (I can't kid myself anymore into trying it - I dislike it. Ugh the texture is just well oatmeal textury (yes that is a word in my book). The flavor isn't all that great. You have to mix it really really well and doctor it up so you are adding more and more to it and well there goes all the reason for having oatmeal - right? Yep - nasty. Bleck! Had to toss it out after making it through only half of my bowl. I couldn't do it anymore (and too boot it was now room temperature instead of warm out of the microwave). Ah ha, so maybe that is how they get you to eat oatmeal and lose weight, you just stop eating half way through the bowl.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Password Annoyance

I am annoyed right now and it relates to passwords. For a few weeks now I have been trying to get the IT guy here at work to change/rest my password so I can log into my voicemail and it has not been done. I come in this morning to a bright red light on my phone which means I have a voicemail and I can't access it. WONDERFUL! Adding fuel to the fire is this: I have an email account with a separate non work related entity and I can't get that password reset either (and I've requested that months ago). Hopefully since I sent both IT peeps a note this morning reminding them that it has been some time since my request and still no results that they both might come through for me. Crossing my fingers, toes, eyes and anything else. Ugh - so annoyed. Happy Bleeping Monday everyone.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Olympics 2012

I am so excited for the 2012 Olympics in London to start in just a matter of 11 days. Eee! I love to watch diving, swimming, and gymnastics. Probably because I wouldn't qualify in any of these items. But of all things I love to watch the most it would be the opening ceremonies (fallowed closely by the closing ceremonies). I can't wait to see all the pomp and circumstance that happens, not to mention the big names who perform and appear in a special format from that country. So exciting.

What I am bummed about, the USA team uniforms were made in China. Seriously, you couldn't arrange to make sure the uniforms were made in the USA? Forget saving a buck or two by outsourcing, this is the Olympics and the USA team. Sheesh. Who picked Ralph Lauren again knowing he did this last time? Oh sure he is a great designer but seriously, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Ugh - I still will be watching and I want to get Smiley something as a special memento from this Olympics and ever one as she grows up. How cool would that be as a keepsake. Any suggestions?

Here is a link to the Olympics website - it you want to browse and make a suggestion I would love it.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Why me?

There I am minding my own business on my way into work and a gentleman feels the need to sit down next to me because the seat next to me was open (as as the one next to it). Not a big deal until you factor in that he bathed in his cologne and he reeked of cigarette smoke. You couldn't pick the seat one over instead?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


So we have all seen those "Priceless" Commercials from MasterCard, well I have my own version of one to share with you today. . .

Cost of an iPhone: $150.00
Cost of a Big Mac Meal at McDonalds: $6.00
Cost of not being run over because your big butt in not paying attention as you walk out into the street without looking because you are probably updating your Facebook status or saying "LOL" to someone, but thankfully the driver of the car saw you and stopped within inches of running you over but OH NO you are too damn busy and important to look up and do what you mother said, remember that old saying, look both ways before you cross the street you dumb person. . . Oh yea I forgot to say "priceless".

So as you can imagine this is what I came across today. Seriously this chick was walking out of McDonald as I was getting ready to walk to the doors (What? Hey don't judge me, I didn't get lunch today and was starving so a diet coke and fries were calling my name) and I watched her walk out the doors playing with her pink iPhone (ok more like waddle - again don't judge, I know I need to loose weight but she should skip McDonalds more often, just sayin) and just out into the road. Thankfully the guy who was backing up saw her and stopped. She was completely oblivious to him and just kept walking right on past. He just shook his head (as did I) when he drove past her.

Seriously, we have become a bunch of techno morons. When the power went out last week due to the recent storms, I was annoyed that we had no power because the AC was out. I know people who had power but were upset because the TV was out or heavens forbid they had no phone and internet service. Gasp. Hey anyone remember the days when we didn't have cell phones and there was no such thing as the Internet or the World Wide Web? Most youth these days have no idea what life was like without the Internet or cell phones (gasp - man we must have been neanderthals for all those hundreds of years). Sad.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am annoyed today. My day started out pretty good, minus the lack of sleep (which is the norm by now - I have a 6 month old who is teething) and the headache I had yesterday (which is just a dull ache so I can manage), but has rapidly turned and put me into a constant state of annoyance.

I missed my first train to work today due to the teether (not a big deal) but what started everything was that the AC was out again at the train station. Yuck - I hate to be hot and sticky. I would like to rephrase that, I loathe being hot and sticky. Sure my discomfort is nothing compared to Mary (the employee who works at said train station manning the coffee station and all things train related), who to my surprise was remaining positive despite being slightly annoyed at the situation herself. Way to go Mary!

Once on the train thing were pretty normal, that was until we got to the stop just before mine. Since I was beginning to pack up my stuff, I began to look around and I noticed that despite the fact that we had not even left the station people began queuing for my stop. Hello we have at least a 5 minute ride (maybe even a 10 minute ride, it all depends on the heat restrictions placed by CSX), so why don't you make yourselves comfortable in those seats that you fought so hard to get on the train first to get. Oh noooooooooo they might miss something if they wait a moment or two more, or heaven's forbid, he/she might get off the train before them and I'll (gasp) they will be a failure. Ah yes I see the commuter attitude is not limited to the interstate and my fellow drivers, or even my dear friends on Metro (ahh how I don't miss you all).

We have begun to pull into the station and the next thing I hear is a snapping sound, someone is snapping their gum. Ahhhhhh this sound to me is what nails raking down a chalkboard is to others. Arrrgggh! So annoying. What on God's green earth makes a person think that is not annoying and rude? Ok breathe! Now fast-forward a few moments to me getting off the train (from one queue to another) and now you get to choose which side of the stairs you want to walk down on. Since I fall into the crappy knees category I choose the right hand side (hello - slow traffic in the right lane - I get it). Next thing I know I have some chick practically crawling up my butt to get around me (on the right) and some other person on the left. In essence she was a middle lane merging into 2 flowing lanes. I know I don't do stairs fast (reason mentioned above) but it's not like I take a step and do a sudoku puzzle or something. Geesh.

Crowd free I start walking the short distance to my office. As I approach a light with a cross walk I notice that someone is feeling froggy and well is jumping (i.e. crossing against the light). Normally this wouldn't annoy (heck some mornings I am froggy some days a - what? You know you do it too!) but what got me was the dude who was crossing against the light and had the nerve to give the city bus, who I remind you had the light and the right of way, a nasty look (I was waiting for the universal "you are #1" sign but it didn't come, much to my surprise). Huh? I just don't get people and their self righteousness sometimes.

A few other small annoyances at work followed and all before 10 am too. Normally I would just let it roll off my back, but since I was already annoyed, lets just add that to the pile shall we? Spanks! You know I am thinking it is rapidly become one of those days when I say that "I woke up on the wrong side of the coffin". Fangs and talons will start to show soon. Enjoy the show - ooh I hope I don't "scare anyone this time." Blah ha ha ha.

OK so back to the ole grind. Hopefully this afternoon will bring a more positive spin on my day and "no more negative vibes negative vibes Moriarty" (5 points to the person who knows where this quote comes from).

Monday, July 9, 2012

Andrew Zimmern doesn't like what?

Over the years I have watched Travel Channel's Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern and have seen him eat some strange stuff (and like it), but last night I saw an episode where he finally found something that I would consider "pretty normal" that he didn"t like. And that fateful food was . . . SPAM! Spam? I have never had it but I would be much more inclined to try Spam over other things Andrew Zimmern has tried.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

People of Walmart

"When your down and troubled,
And you need a helping hand,
And nothing, whoa nothing is going right.
Close your eyes and think of me,
And soon I will be there,
To brighten up even your darkest nights.
You just call out my name,
And you know where ever I am,
I'll come running, oh yeah baby,
To see you again."



For anyone who knows me, they know I don't like to be hot. . . and I don't really like to be hot and sticky. Fall and Winter are my favorite times of the year. Oh sure they can get really cold sometimes like 2 years ago when we had "Snowmagetton" but I would really prefer that over today's weather. This is what noted for today's weather in our local area: Today's High was 106°F at 5:45pm when conditions were Mostly Cloudy. Yuck is all I have to say. Come on fall and winter.

Friday, July 6, 2012

"I'm a nice person"

This morning on the commuter train I overheard a woman talking (and talking and talking and talking) and I was a bit annoyed at her comment of "I'm a nice person". If I was describing myself, I would probably say "I like to think I'm a nice person" or "I try to be a nice person" but noooooo she was pretty damn sure that she is a nice person. As "Nice Person" continued to talk I overheard how she is willing to judge others based on their income and how they can't afford to buy a house alone because said person just got out of school and said the mother doesn't make much money, has a jerk of a souse and a 14 year old kid. "Nice person" also feels the need to taunt her seat mate for not knowing how to work the alarm function on his phone and it isn't like seatmate just bought this phone, jezsh he's had it as long as "nice person" has had theirs. Wow - good thing she is a nice person or else the car ride would not have been as exciting or full of wonderful stories that you couldn't help but overhear.

If this wasn't enough I had one more fun event this morning. The woman who feels the need to bathe in her perfume made the decision to sit right next to me. Never mind all the open seats (with no-one else near you) were open, but oh nooooooo, come sit by me and drive my nose crazy the whole ride.

Another commute train rant, on the platform where you buy/validate your ticket it reminds you to have your ticket out for the conductor at all times, VRE has meet the management days where they give away free ticket holders and clips so you can clip them onto the seat's drink holder or your bag, your jacket, your shirt and/or your pants, an announcement happens to be played over the audio system on the train reminding you to have your tickets out at all times, so why, why oh why, do you always act surprised and annoyed when the conductor comes in and says "tickets please" and then go rummaging for your ticket. Come on people, its not like you didn't know this was going to happen and he even says please people!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I really need to go into marketing!

While out running errands today I heard an ad on the local radio station that they would be doing a call in give away for those parents that need an adult night out. What a great idea, with a 6 month old I know that the hubby and I need to spend more quality time together alone, but I think I am gonna have to pass on this call in. The deal, dinner for 2 at some local restaurant (I'm not familiar with that restaurant but it wasn't McDonalds or IHOP so it must have some allure to it) and 2 tickets to see a movie. Sounds great right? Well it was until it got to the movie part, the tickets are for Madagascar 3.

Hellooooooooooo, that is a kids movie. Oh sure I'm guessing there are adult innuendos or jokes in there but what about tickets to Ted, The Amazing Spider-Man, Magic Mike, (pause for drooling) Savages, People Like Us, or even Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter? Sure the commercials for Madagascar 3 look funny (Afro Circus, Afro Circus) but if you are going to advertise for a "date night" how about picking an adult movie?

Oh and while watching dumb TV today I saw an ad for Brett Michaels Rock 'N Pet stuff being sold at Petsmart. I had to check it out and some things are cute like this:

I need to change my career and go into marketing!