Wednesday, January 28, 2015

40 Days = 40 Bags

I'm getting a head start on Lent this year!

For those who don't know Lent is the time period beginning on Ash Wednesday (How many of you have your own holiday?) that leads up to Easter. It is roughly 40 days give or take a few Sundays). I have always given up something (soda, desserts, chips, etc) that is a vice but this year I'm having a hard time trying to think of what to give up. While I ponder that I do have to say I'm proud that I've decided to participate in the concept of 40 Days = 40 Bags.

I learned of this last year at lent (a little late but I "tried" to do it) and I love the concept. For the 40 days of lent you need to take at least 10 minutes and clean/declutter one area and whatever you have goes into bags. Those bags either go to the trash or stored neatly for a yard sale or give aways. I love the idea and last year as I said I tried to do it and got about 1 week in and then just slacked off. I did get a section of my entertainment room and den looking pretty good that week. Sadly it looks like crap again but it still has less crap than last year (I know this because I had to go into one the cabinets I cleaned out last year and I've successfully kept it clean and organized).

This year I'm gonna do it and stick to it. I've got so much stuff in my house that I know I don't need that this must be done. No matter how hard it might feel to carve out 10 minutes (or more) each day to this concept. I know I can declutter. . . I even got a jump on it last night while thinking about the 40 Days = 40 Bags.

I found my new phone has a timer so I can't make that excuse. I'm going to try and keep myself accountable by posting on my blog every so often with pictures of before and after (or at least my bags). Who's with me on the 40 Days = 40 Bags bandwagon?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Yesterday I learned the hard way that kids so hear everything we say and then repeat it. Yesterday while playing I heard Smiley say something (not once but twice) that sounded an awful lot like "Damn It". I wasn't sure and I asked her "what was that" to which I got either ignored or just a grunt reply. Well both B-man and I heard it loud and clear yesterday evening during the full on temper tantrum at bed time. I pulled in her nightlight and she said "Damn it, now you've ruined everything" (add foot stomp and fist against leg).

My mouth was probably gaping open moments after that. I had to ask her again "What did you say"? to which I just go a noise reply of "Uh". "What did you say?" "Where did you hear that?" but again no reply. Add about 10 minutes of temper tantrum and all was fixed (she even got to unplug and replug the nightlight in). I asked B-man what he thought and his reply was "maybe she picked it up at daycare". Naturally I'm racking my brain to try and think, have I ever said that? I might have said "damn it" in an angry moment (and if that is the case - mea culpa mea culpa) but I can promise you I have never uttered "now you've ruined it". I had to try and tell her that we don't repeat/say that phrase to which I got an O.K. but I'm not sure that even clicked.

I have to tell you I'm still a bit shocked and taken aback by it. I know in the grand scheme of things that "damn it" is less than say the f-bomb or other similar words but its the fact that I try so hard to not say things like that around her and will correct others for potty mouthing it.

I know you seasoned moms out there are probably shaking your heads at me and say "first time mom, well bless her heart" but it really has gotten under my skin. When was the first time you heard something come out of your precious little ones mouth that really made you think about your language?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Confession: I love food

I have a confession to make: I LOVE FOOD. Shocked? If you know me you shouldn't - heck look at a picture and you can tell I love food. My challenge is I don't love all foods so while I don't consider myself a picky eater I am particular about my food. I use to think I was pretty adventuresome about food but I have learned I am not. My "ah ha" moment was when my husband and I were on a date way back when and the appetizer from a prefix menu was put in front of us and I declared "I'm Not Eating THAT!". B-man still will say it to my face every now and then when I'm getting persnickety.

Am I a picky eater that I only like my red meat to be cooked well done (brown all the way through - no pink)? I tend to order Filet Mignon at restaurants, not because I'm being a snob but because it is a leaner cut of meat. I don't like any fat on my meat because it makes me sick when I end up eating a little bit of it (yes yes I know you should have some on there for cooking purposes but I just have to cut it off). I don't eat a lot of fish because 1) I won't order a whole meal of a fish I've never tried and 2) I don't particularly care for much of the fish I have tried. I'll eat chicken every now and then but it isn't my favorite thing (B-man is cringing I know because fried chicken is his favorite food). I don't particularly eat soup unless I'm really in the mood (usually sick or its really really cold out).

I am a slave to flavor but don't eat (well 99.99% of the time) the same thing 2 days in a row. Leftovers are not very popular with me. I'll take things home on a rare occasion because the food is either 1) really that good I can eat it the next day, 2) some foods get better the next day (PIZZA) and 3) I can give it to the dog. Maybe I am scared for life from the "clean out the frig" nights of dinner we had as a kid. There were some seriously strange things left in that frig that we had to eat just to see it go away.

Oh and texture plays a huge factor in foods that I will and will not eat. For example I don't particularly care for mushrooms but I will eat them raw in a salad and on a rare occasion on a pizza (very rare occasion). They get all mushy when cooked. I won't eat black olives on anything other than a BMT from subway (add cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, green peppers, pickles, mustard, mayo, salt and pepper and it is sooo good - just ask my dad) this has to be a flavor thing. I like fresh spinach in a salad but I'm not a fan of cooked spinach (again I think this is texture). I like corn but I'm not a fan of creamed corn (yet again a texture thing).

I'm trying to be more imaginative with my food choices. Heck I brought leftovers for lunch today (yes from last night's dinner) and it was good, again. And . . . and . . . it was chicken and yes I cooked it. Boom!

Do you have any of these food issues? How do you deal with them? I'm thinking this year I will really try (no really - stop laughing) to be more open to flavors and textures of my food. I might end up playing with my food more often and having to get other sides but I'm going to try.

Oh and that food that I said "I'm Not Eating THAT!" well I actually did eat it and it wasn't bad. It was fried oysters (I had never had them before) in a sauce. I thought they weren't too bad until the end when they got really chewy but now I can say I've had an oyster. And I'm not eating that . . . ever again.

Lent is coming up soon (ahhhhhhhh we just finished Christmas) - now I have to figure out what I'm giving up. Usually it is food or drink but I'm not sure (I've given up soda before - my hardest test ever but I did it - even repeated it the next year to see if I could survive again). I've given up sweets (was about 95% good that year) but its hard since I have such a sweet tooth (if I do it again must add clear parameters). I see people have given up Facebook but I'm not doing that. Suggestions anyone?

Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 = A year of new!

Well it has been a while since I last popped in to share my whit and wisdom (and yes I know that one of my 2014 resolutions was to write frequently). So I'll not make any resolutions this year but certainly try to post more.

2014 certainly brought endings and beginnings in my life. The biggest ending was very hard for me to stomach. After 22 years of either being an EMT or First Responder, my certification expired. I won't lie - I lost a big piece of who I am the day that happened (September 1st). I've been involved in EMS for more than half of my life and it was one way I identified myself. I'm still involved as much as time and options allow me but it is I guess the door that closes so another one can open. . . which is in fact what did happen. 

My door opening was I became a ThirtyOne independent consultant a matter of days after that. I had been thinking of getting into the Home Party world but never found any one thing that I could really get behind until I realized that ThirtyOne was a great fit for my life. I use the product (you can call me a bag lady :-) if you want) and I was looking for a new challenge so it fit. I've never been really excited about sales (even when I worked retail in High School and College) so you won't find me pushing this down your throat. I will say that if you are interested in learning about the products ThirtyOne has and/or having a party just let me know and I'll be happy to chat with you about it. My ThirtyOne web page is: and I have a closed group on Facebook that you can be added to if you want to learn about specials and such.

The other big change is that my baby girl is no longer a baby girl. She's 3 now and continues to blow my mind. Smiley is in a big girl bed, 99.999% potty trained and learning up a storm. She just amazes me. Its true - don't blink - they grow up so fast. Oh and I'll attest that even though I'm only 1 month into the 3s that 3s are worse than 2s. Such sass! UGH - my mother has come out of my mouth more and more each day (yes yes I know mom you were right). But I love her so much that she's worth it; even on the really really really bad days. P.S. here is your warning - she has my temper.

Another new for 2015 is that I've actually taken a vested interest in my skin. I'm approaching the big 40 this year and I guess I can't ride the "you look so much younger than your actual age" train much longer. I've been "helping" my hair out for a while now with temporary glossers (love the Sangria red) but I've noticed other things are creeping up on me. So I've bought a few products from my friend Dianne who sells Rodan + Fields (they are the dermatologists who made Proactive). I've started using a few items on my face and hands (since time is marching all over them too) and I'm very impressed. This is coming from the girl who wears minimal make up (a little foundation under the eyes, eye shadow, eyeliner, sometimes cheek blush [really I mean sometimes] and sometimes lips gloss/stick [ a little more than the cheek blush but not by much]). I've even used 1 of the products for my face for Smiley's her arms (she has these bumps on the back of her arms like I get). I have another one for her sensitive skin to deal with bugbites. She reacts so badly to a simple bug bite that she looks like she has been attacked by an enire arm of them (anyone who has seen my arms after I get an allergy shot - think similar to that). Her poor arms and legs get so red and the site of the bite gets really swollen. She really dislikes bugs because of how much they itch. I keep cream in 2 spots of the house to help with the itchies. This second product is a cream for sensitive skin that is supposed to help. I'm going to use both of these items on B-man's feet - they are so dry and cracked (I'll post pictures when I do). If you are interested in the R+F stuff I can turn you on to my girl.

Happy 2015 - lets make this our year of new!