Monday, March 17, 2014

These Dreams Go On When I Close My Eyes

"These dreams go on when I close my eyes". Now that I have an all time great Heart song stuck in your head I want to discuss with you my dreams.

Not my hopes, dreams and wishes for a brights and sunny future. Nope, I want to talk about those crazy things that happen in my brain when I close my eyes at bed time and try to rest. Try being the key word. I always wonder why I'm so tired in the morning and truthfully I blame it on my mind. I dream pretty much every night and I remember a good portion of at least one dream that I have each night.

My dreams come in all shapes and sizes. I dream in color and I dream like I am watching a movie or TV show but yet I am one of the characters partaking in the dream. Crazy I know. But wait it gets better. My favorite part of my dream. I dream in thin. That means I am the size that I would like to be, not what I am right now. Oh and my hair always seems to look good.

My most common dream is about zombies. Yep I dream about them regularly. I'm a bit obsessed with them but they scare the crap out of me. Ghosts - nope. Vampires - nope. Strange creatures that go bump in the night - nope. Zombies - Hell yeah! The good news is despite the fact I had a zombie dream just the other night I have noticed that as of late I've been dreaming about my dream house. The other night it was moving day into the dream house and I was so excited. The rooms (suites I should say) were color coded. I was also excited to see how my dream kitchen had turned out. Ahh it was a nice dream. Much better than being chased by zombies.

While the house dream is not the same every time (zombie dreams can be the same) it still seems to be a reoccurring theme in my mind at bed time. Not too long ago we were touring our new house - not MY dream house but apparently the one we were moving into. B-man had been behind the buying of this house. The problem was it was really small and the layout was not what I wanted. Heck the downstairs powder room had no doors on it - just a cubby like place with the toilet there so people coming in and out of the house could see you and chat. Ewe! The cool part of the dream was about the building of the house. In order to buy and live in the house you had to actually participate in the construction of the home. Don't know where it came from but it is a cool concept. Makes for a vested interest don't you think. Kind of reminds me of Habitat for Humanity.

I promise you I don't eat spicy or crazy things before bedtime so I can't pin the dreams on that. I don't even watch shows like Walking Dead (I tried to get into it but just couldn't) before I go to bed. I don't know its just I have an overactive imagination I think.

I've bought dream analysis books before and I've heard from lots of people what they think is causing my dreams. I just find it curious that I don't meet many people who have such active dreaming as I do or at least they don't remember it. I'm sure if I went to psychologist or therapist they would probably say I'm nuts or make me a case study. I just can't imagine I'm the only one out there with this crazy dream process.

Anyone else dream like I do and/or remember their dreams so frequently? Just curious.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

40 Bags in 40 Days

Well it's Ash Wednesday and that means it is lent and I have chosen to give up red meat and tonight I'll get my ashes. I had popped onto facebook and I saw this posting by a friend of mine:

So what is 40 Bags in 40 Days?

Its a forty day period in the spring (coinciding with the 40 days of Lent) where you focus on cleaning one area per day. In this one area you challenge yourself to declutter, simplify, decrapify, and get rid of things you don’t need. The goal is one bag a day but you can have more or less. The 2014 challenge officially goes from Wednesday, March 5th to Saturday, April 19th. Sundays are your day off. You can start it whenever you are finding this post, we’ll still be here to cheer you on!

Where do I put it all?

The stuff can get organized, donated, given to a family member or friend, go in a garage sale pile, to Freecycle, get sold, or go into the garbage. Just get it out of your house.

What a great idea, I am going to try and do this.