Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Focus, Focus

I can't focus today. You want to know how bad it is. This is the third version of my blog entry. Heck I couldn't even get it right the first 2 times so this is what you get. I have never been officially diagnosed with ADD but I know I have it (just watch me try and clean my house - I'm all over the house all day and never get anything done). My dreams are always all over the place. Heck even when I end a long conversation with someone I have to think back to how we got to what we discussed. I'm all over the place. I have tons to do that I NEED to focus on but I'm just not there.

I'm all over the map today and I'm also whining - ugh. I have so many things that are running through my mind that I know I need to write them down.

The subject matter that is running around my brain right now:

Cleaning my closet
Cleaning Smiley's room
Cleaning the house as a whole
Donating vs. selling old clothes, shoes, house items
Trying new recipes
Cleaning the pantry out
Replacing the shelves in the pantry
Ordering an new battery for my laptop
Paying bills
Saving money
My hair and how it is annoying me
Losing weights
Getting more sleep
Being more proactive with Smiley
Summer activities
Vacation (ha ha ha yeah right)
My Jeep

Oh yeah and work.

That is just a sample of thoughts that keep running around in my head fighting for my attention.