So driving into work this morning I heard on the radio that one of the local radio stations will begin their "All Holiday Music" on the 15th of November. OMG! I love love LOVE me some Christmas but it isn't even Thanksgiving! Heck I still have my Halloween Pumpkin on my front porch and the skeleton hanging in my tree outside (don't judge - they will go this weekend).
I wasn't even affected by practicing Christmas music in choir but I guess the fact that I was in Target on Tuesday and heard that announcement on the radio this morning, it really hit me that Christmas is coming. OK let me do a quick Internet check as to how many days are left until Christmas (hold please) . . . (insert hold music - "Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose; and if you ever saw it you would even say it glows"). OOOOH only 46 days according to the countdown clock.
OK now that I have some of you crawling out of your skin in excitement or anxiety, I have to share that it just dawned on me that I need to buy all new decorations for my Christmas tree. We already had to pick a new place to put the tree because Smiley's pack n' play is currently in the trees location and I don't feel like trying to find a new home for that. But now I have to get all new decorations because a large portion are breakable. Oh sure I did get some shatter proof balls over the last 4 years since Jasper joined our family. For some reason he gets a wild oat up his furry butt every year and climbs the tree. I think it reminds him of his days out in the wild before we rescued him.
Every day when we get home (we could be gone for 15 minutes or 3 hours) we have to check to see what ornaments are on the floor and put them back on. Every now and then you will hear a bell ring. No it doesn't mean an angel just got it's wings - it means that Jasper is in the tree again. Well now I have to deal with Jasper and Smiley. I'm sure she will fall into the tree at least a half a dozen times before I take it down.
I began picking up a few new things for the tree at Target (they had really cute baby and cat proof decorations) but right now only 2 branches will be covered. Ugh need to keep on the look out for more fun and little one proof. Thankfully Tope just likes to look at the tree and smell the presents.
OH speaking of presents, if you get on and you find tons of tape on it this year it won't be because the tape bandit has struck again (although I still might pick one lucky soul this year to torment - bwahhhh hahhh hahhh) it means that Jasper and Smiley have struck and I've had to redo the wrapping. Smiley helped me un do some wrapping to my birthday presents earlier this week and she was very excited to do that. Hummm - maybe I can get her some bubble wrap and see what happens (oooh bubble wrap - love it!).